xix. happiness because of you

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AN:all of this chapter will be Remus' perspective

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all of this chapter will be Remus' perspective

Remus didn't know why he felt the need to say the words, but they had slipped out. It seemed to be a common occurrence when he was around her.

He had hoped she hadn't heard it, but hearing her heart pace increase slightly, told him that she had.

However, Aurora didn't seem like she was going to respond. She just carried on reading.

They sat in silence for a few minutes—him playing the with the top of her socks and her trying to act as if she wasn't ticklish, and that it wasn't affecting her in any way.

Of course, their peace was disturbed when James entered the house noisily, muttering something along the lines of 'stupid, how could I forget the toes'. It was something Remus felt he didn't need the answer to.

"Hi Moony." James said, a sad tilt in his voice as he sat down on a sofa.

"What's got you so sad?" Aurora asked for him, peering up from her book.

Dramatically, James sighed, sinking further into his seat so he was practically falling off. "I didn't get to see the zoo."

"I'm sure there will be plenty of other chances for you to see animals, Prongs." Remus told his friend, but James only replied with a glare.

"Why can't I be unemployed," He grumbled. "Then I could go to the zoo anytime I want."

"But who will support Remus and me in our old age? Our brilliant minds are not built for work." Aurora joked.

When Aurora spoke about them growing old together, Remus' heart, he's pretty sure, skipped a beat.

"I'm sure Lily can work for all three of us. A brilliant woman she is," James' face lit up at the mention of Lily, something that hadn't changed for over 10 years. "Speaking of my beautiful wife and mother of my child and all future children we may have." He picked himself up off of the sofa and pranced into the kitchen.

James was more like a deer than he thought.

They settled back down into their silence, and sadly, it only lasted like that for a few seconds.

"Remus!" Lily shouted, walking out of the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He asked, tilting his head back so it was resting on the top of the sofa, looking up at the redhead.

"Come on, you're cooking dinner." Lily had taken up trying to teach him to cook.

It was not going well.

"Wait. You need to be supervised? To cook?" Aurora asked, grinning. "How long has this been going on?"

Remus sighed, and was going to answer, but Lily interrupted him.

"Ever since we left Hogwarts. Can't trust him by himself near a kitchen."

Aurora laughed. "I have to see this."

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