xxii. lost in the memory

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The next day, Aurora was with Benjy and Caradoc in an animal shelter

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The next day, Aurora was with Benjy and Caradoc in an animal shelter.

The others had gone to Mary and Georgia's wedding, Lois and Sirius both grumbling about just coming back from their honeymoon so they shouldn't have to go. Aurora was thankful she wasn't invited to go. Mary was nice, but she did not want to waste her Sunday at a wedding of someone she barely knew.

"Aw this one is cute." Aurora said, perching in front of a dog. Benjy had asked her to come with him and Caradoc to help pick out a pet.

The dog was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Charlie. How original, Aurora thought.

Benjy walked over to her, looking at the dog. He was a mix of brown, black, and white fur, and probably the happiest dog she had seen. "It's literally you as a dog." She told her best friend.

"What in Merlin's name do you mean?" Benjy asked, eyes darting in between her and the dog.

"He's really happy!" She said. "If you don't get him I will murder you."

"Ouch. I brought you with us to help, not make death threats." Aurora only retaliated with glaring at him.

"What are you two talking about?" Caradoc questioned, walking up to them.

"Look how cute this dog is." Aurora told him.

When Caradoc looked at the dog, his face softened. "Aw it's Benjy as a dog." He said, causing her to laugh as Benjy looked insulted.

"Why am I being compared to a dog?" He complained.

"It's a compliment!" Aurora justified. "Charlie is cute, so we're basically calling you cute. Now get the dog." She told them, walking out of the shelter.

15 minuted later they were in Benjy and Caradoc's apartment, Charlie running around the living room. "Why did you two even decide to get a dog?" She asked, flopping down on to their sofa.

Benjy and Caradoc looked at each other and then at her at the same time. "Impulse?" Benjy offered.

"No shit." Aurora laughed. "Why not a cat?"

"Because you threatened murder!" Benjy told her.

"Huh... I did do that, didn't I?"

Benjy and Caradoc laughed, and sat down, all
of them watching Charlie as he explored his new home.

"Not that we don't love having you around, but is there any reason why you agreed so quickly to coming out with us today?" Benjy asked, worried.

"I'm fine Benjy," She reassured her friend. "No one's in the house right now, it's really empty and I think if I was in there for a second longer I would have started a conversation with a pen."

The others had all left around 1pm, and Aurora an hour later.

"Don't act like you don't usually have conversations with pens." Benjy joked, making Aurora smile.

"What do you do when everyone's at work?" Caradoc asked her, brows furrowing together.

"Remus also doesn't have a job, and Lily sometimes stays to look after Harry." She told them.

"You should really get a job." Benjy informed her.

"I know, I just- I don't know what I want to do." And she enjoys spending time with Remus. But she left that part out.

She stayed at their apartment for a few more hours, playing with Charlie, not wanting to go back to the emptiness of the Potters'. But eventually she had to go.

She flooed back into the house, walking into the kitchen to eat something. She had expected the house to be empty, but Lois was sitting on one of the stools by the island.

"Hi?" Aurora said, pulling Lois out of her daydream.

"Hello," Lois smiled. "Where did you come from?"

"I was at Benjy's...what about you? You aren't meant to be back for a few hours." She told her sister.

"Sirius was tired, and I didn't really want to stay..."

"And the others?" Aurora asked, cutting some of the cake her and Remus had made yesterday.

"They stayed. Don't know why though. Mary and Georgia had already left."

Aurora passed a plate over to her sister and moved to sit next to her. They sat and ate in silence for a few minutes until Aurora broke it.

"I know we've forgiven each other. But I wanted to apologise properly," She told Lois. "I'm sorry for the crappy excuses for not hanging out with you, I'm sorry for pushing you away, I'm sorry for not being a part of your life and I'm sorry for not accepting that you liked Sirius and his friends when I should have been supportive."

"It's okay." Lois said, placing her fork down.

"No, it's not."

"Yes. It is. Because I'm sorry for choosing them over you in that moment, I'm sorry for making you ever doubt that I would choose someone else over my own twin sister and I'm sorry for yelling at you the other week."

Both sisters went silent again. "You always had a bad temper." Aurora said into the silence.

"Me?" Lois snorted. "Hi pot, I'm kettle."

"My temper is perfectly balanced!" Aurora smiled.

"Okay sure. Whatever you think." A grin on Lois' face.

Aurora couldn't help but laughing, and soon Lois joined in. Neither were sure what they were laughing about but they continued. Lois falling off her stool only making them laugh harder.

When the others returned, what they saw was Lois lying on her back on the floor, laughing uncontrollably as Aurora fell down next to her sister, also laughing—Lois having yanked on the legs of her chair.

"Are you guys...okay?" Lily asked.

Realising that they were no longer the only ones in the room, their laughter died down. "We're great." Aurora responded for them, grinning at her twin.

Remus walked over to them, extending a hand to Aurora, helping her up. "Thank you," She smiled at him.

"Okay. Leave me here. On the dirty floor." Lois said.

"If that's what you want..." Aurora agreed. "How was the wedding?" She asked the others.

"We got to meet Olivia Reid!" James exclaimed, bouncing with joy.

"Remind me again please. Olivia Reid is...?"

"She's one of the chasers of the Holyhead Harpies!" He told her, obviously excited by having met a member of the all girls quidditch team.

"Ohh, Olivia Reid! I definitely know who she is," Aurora lied. "Don't all of the Holyhead Harpies first or last names begin with G?" She whispered to Remus.

"They have a few exceptions," He said. "I'm guessing you don't care much about quidditch?"

"I wouldn't say I do, no," She smiled up at him, straining her neck slightly. He looked quite a bit like he had after Lois and Sirius' wedding. The only difference was that not many of the buttons were undone. "Do you? Care about quidditch?"

"Not particularly. I only went to games to support James and Sirius."

Aurora hummed. "I'm heading up to bed. Good night," She smiled and kissed his cheek before she left.

She only realised that she had done when she was walking up the stairs.

i should be revising for my exams that start on thursday but im procrastinating yay :))
im just gonna start asking questions at the end of every chapter now so...
who's your favourite character?

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