li. i'd marry you with paper rings

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"You look beautiful," Aurora heard Remus say from the doorway into her room

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"You look beautiful," Aurora heard Remus say from the doorway into her room. She turned her head away from the mirror in front of her once she had put her second earring in.

"As do you," She smiled softly. He was wearing a white shirt tucked into a pair of black trousers, looking much similar to how he was dressed at Lois and Sirius' wedding, so—in other words—looking like the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen.

Remus reciprocated her smile and held his hand out towards her. "Ready to get married, Miss Sullivan?"

"Very much, Mr Sullivan," She teased him as she grabbed her purse containing the ring she had for him and then held on to his hand.

"Fantastic news, Mrs Lupin," He pulled her closer by their entwined hands and moved his free hand to cup the side of her face, slightly tilting her head back.

"Yes, I think it is," She said before leaning up and kissing his cheek. Aurora offered him a cheeky grin and left the room, bringing him along with her.

The journey to the registration office didn't take them very long, there was apparently one in the town, just a ten minute walk from the Potters'.

The waiting time also wasn't long either and they found their witnesses there as well--a very sweet elderly couple that had instantly volunteered to help.

A woman at the desk led them through to a room in the back, telling them that the Superintendent Registrar would arrive shortly, and moments later a man entered the room with a big smile on his face, greeting them all cheerfully.

"Shall we get to it, then?" He asked them once introductions had been made. Both Aurora and Remus nodded and were told to stand in front of him.

"We are met in a place which has been duly sanctioned according to law for the celebration of marriages. You are here to witness the joining in matrimony of Remus Lupin and Aurora Sullivan. Before you are joined together in matrimony, I have to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make," He looked at Remus. "Are you, Remus Lupin free lawfully to marry Aurora Sullivan?"

"I am."

"And are you, Aurora Sullivan, free lawfully to marry Remus Lupin?"

"I am."

"Do either of you have any rings you wish to exchange?" He asked them, receiving nods from both as Remus reached for his from his pocket, and Aurora hers from her purse. "Now please, repeat after me," He looked again towards Remus. "I, Remus Lupin, take you, Aurora Sullivan, to be my wedded wife."

"I, Remus Lupin, take you, Aurora Sullivan, to be my wedded wife." After he took the ring out of the box he carefully took her hand in his and slid the ring on her finger.

"And I, Aurora Sullivan, take you, Remus Lupin, to be my wedded husband,"

"I, Aurora Sullivan, take you, Remus Lupin, to be my wedded husband." She echoed the words, smiling at Remus across from her as she copied his actions from just moments prior.

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