chapter fourteen

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because you were all so kind to me in the previous chapters comments I tried really hard to get this chapter out extra fast (kinda failed on that front but at least it was quicker than before?) so pls enjoy and thank you all for being so understanding  x

"So... you need to build up enough energy to go back to hell, and the only way to do that is to have sex with a lot of people in a short amount of time by eating their sex... words?"

Jeongguk shifts uncomfortably on the dining room chair where they had all taken to sitting back down at, his eyes flickering anxiously around the room, cheeks and ears burning a brilliant red under all their scrutiny and jins accompanied, highly uncomfortable (but true) words. Jeongguk thinks that if a hole appeared in the ground to take him to purgatory (a demons worst nightmare) he'd happily fall into it over having to stay there and endure such a conversation. Especially after taehyungs and  Jimins outburst earlier after Jeongguk had initially explained his predicament in his usual embarrassing, stuttering glory ("this whole time I thought he was a  virgin! This can't be happening, there's no way Jeongguk is a fucking sex demon it can't be true — he's—he's Jeongguk!") and sanghoon had fallen into predictable, uncontrolled hysterics at Jeongguk trying to tell them — weakly, so very weakly —  that he'd tried to tell them he wasn't a virgin but they hadn't listened, and then (not regrettably on Jeongguks part) finally getting kicked out and Jeongguk having to endure his faded laughter all the way down the hall until sanghoon had finally disappeared in the elevator with apt material to bully Jeongguk with for a lifetime — to this.

Stunned silence at the dining room table normally filled with laughter and clowning around.

"That's—that's pretty much it." Jeongguk murmurs, his eyes now firmly staying locked on his hands curled up on the table to avoid all of their piercing gazes. How embarrassing. He's never going to live this down, if they ever truly want to speak to him again. "That's why I wanted to tell you guys now, so—so you don't have to um, uh, see anything."

"But what's that got to do with us helping you?"

Jeongguk freezes, slowly looking  up and over  at Hoseok with ruddy red cheeks he can feel to the very core of his being. Watches as hoseoks eyes glaze over in confusion and then slowly widen in comprehension, and yep, Jeongguks very much wants that hole now, please and thank you.

"L—look there's more to it than you think, it's not, it's not—" Jeongguk groans and drops his face into his hands, the thought of bursting into tears briefly crossing his mind before he shakes it away. "I was never going to bring it up, sanghoon just likes to start shit and—and it's..." Jeongguk sighs. "Not what you think." He finished lamely.

"Really cause it sounds to me like you want us to have sex with you," taehyung says, face stoic and serious contrasted to his caramel rich words — but Jeongguk splutters at them anyway, and trust taehyung to be so blunt, even as Jeongguk chokes embarrassingly on his own spit and should have seen it coming, anyway. "For what, convenience?"

Jeongguk shakes his head vigorously after hes done coughing, waving his arms about at the tone of anger and a little bit of hurt in taehyungs voice that Jeongguk hates to hear (and taste, liquorice, yuck), even when he's  confused as to why it's there  in the first place. "It's not like that, I swear! It's cause when a succubus eats the words of someone they care about it's ten times more powerful than it would have been from some stranger, so—"

"You wouldn't have to go around for ages sleeping with like eight people a day, you'd only have to have us?"

Jeongguk blushes fiercely at Namjoons wording, picking at his fingernail until the surrounding skin starts to dot with blood. "Fi—five, only five," he corrects. "But, yeah."

a succubi's problems - jjk x btsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum