chapter nine

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Okay so I don't normally do author notes so I'll kept this short, I just really wanted to say thank you to everyone reading, I hit 1K super fast (the fastest yet) so this is a treat chapter for you all, I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for all the support, the comments and the votes, it really means a lot :))

Get ready for a little bit of *spice* in this chapter as a thank you — and tell me what you think ;))

Jeongguk shifts on the equally hard and soft surface he was sleeping against, feeling it move a little under his head but his too tired brain doesn't pick up on how a pillow shouldn't move, not like that, until it's a little too late. Jeongguk feels himself press closer, his nose coming into contact with something soft and then hard and then warm, he scrunches it up to try and figure out what it is, but can't.

"Fuck he's like, right on my dick — What do I do?"

Jeongguk is fighting with the half of his brain that tells him don't listen to that voice, go back to sleep, and the other half of his brain that is adamantly trying to wake him up. It's a losing battle for the latter half, Jeongguk drowsily realises, as he sighs out heavily and falls a little bit back into the deep sleep he was in before. Pressing his nose closer, tilting his head back, sighing into the sleep he dips his toes back into.

"Just nudge him, he's a light sleeper, he'll wake up,"

"I did, but—but he just pressed closer,"

"Hobi-yah, your face is turning red. Are you in pain or about to spring a—"

Jeongguks head is jostled then, and he's pulled back out of the sleep he was trying to fall back into like a thunderclap right next  to his ear. There's a hand on his face, gently slapping his cheek. Another on his sternum, rubbing up and down like it was trying to coax him out of the rest he so desperately craved — it was slightly annoying. He groans, smacking his lips and burying his face further into the warmth below him.

"Yah, that's it — Jeongguk-ah!"

Jeongguk startles, bumping his face against the soft wall in front of him and then finally opening his eyes to squint up at whoever the fuck was just yelling in his face. Yoongi and Hoseok stare back at him, hovering over him with hoseoks face is an alarming shade of cherry red while yoongi just looks... looks...

Jeongguk springs up, face turning a glowing shade of fuchsia that rivals hoseoks as he realises that yoongi shouldn't look that amused, that deviously smug, if something wasn't very very wrong. He realises point two seconds later why his hyung was smirking down at him like that and turns quickly towards Hoseok, his ears and neck burning red hot with the realisation.

"I'm so sorry hobi-hyung! I didn't mean — did I hurt you?! I didn't like — like hit your —uh— um, I didn't hit you anywhere in my sleep, did I?"

Hoseok waves his hands about, Jeongguk adamantly looks away from his crotch because he doesn't want to imagine his face pressed against that part of Hoseok, while he was unconscious and completely unaware and worst of all — couldn't remember. It was totally unfair.

"No gguk you're okay!" Hoseok chuckles awkwardly. "You just got close and—and I got nervous,"

Jeongguk hides his face behind his hands and whines into his palms, the copious amounts of embarrassment he's felt in the last twenty four hours was really doing nothing to help his swaying mental health.

Hoseok looks about ready to shoot himself at the confession.

And Yoongi, well, he laughs so hard he falls off his chair.

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