chapter thirty-one

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TW - mentions of domestic abuse

"Dude, why would you let him fall asleep like that? It's gonna be a nightmare trying to wake him up now,"

Jeongguk hears this, but also maybe he doesn't. He's lying atop something that's equally soft as it is hard, and he knows he's in an awkward position, judging by the strain on the back of his thighs — but he's so warm, and cocooned, that he doesn't quite want to move. Not yet.

"Maybe it'd be better to just carry him,"

There's a scoff. "You think I can carry him? How strong do you think I am?"

This was annoying. With every passing word between the two — maybe three? — people around him, Jeongguk gets further and further from the deep sleep he was in before. The thing beneath him shifting uncomfortably so something hard jabs Jeongguk in the ribs.

"You can try?"

"And drop him on his ass? No thanks,"

With an annoyed groan Jeongguk cracks his eyes open, but isn't assaulted by light like he normally is when he forces his eyes open upon waking up from a deep sleep. Instead, soft blue light surrounds him, the haze of a humidifier blowing mist into the air on his left, and two pairs of eyes staring right at him. Jeongguk jumps, the top of his head smacking into something hard behind him and there's another groan and Jeongguks turning his head in time to see namjoon massaging his chin with a grimace — it all rushes in so quick that Jeongguk gets lightheaded.

"Oh—oh my god I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Jeongguk rushed out, rubbing namjoon chin with the palm of his hand, watching as namjoons cheeks turn pink, feeling his own ears turn red. He didn't want to be caught so soon — had wanted to stay in his comforting little bubble with namjoon for just a little longer —

Especially not by Jin and hoseok.

Not that the other two seemed to have caught on, not yet anyway.

"I'm fine, Gguk, don't worry about it," namjoon replies, removing Jeongguks hands from his face, fiddling with his fingers nervously — and Jeongguk gets the urge to kiss him, not for the first time and certainly not for the last.

"Strange position to catch you in, Jeonggukie,"

Never mind.

Jeongguk slowly turns around to face them,
cheeks turning even hotter, hopefully disguised by the blue studio lighting surrounding them. Hoseok smirks knowingly at him, and Jeongguk, for the first time that evening, looks down at the position he's in. Still straddling namjoons thighs, and still very, very much shirtless.

"Ah, shit,"

"Ah shits right, you two," Jin says, but he doesn't sound angry, or appalled, or anything but amused. "At least this time it wasn't on my couch," he shrugs and looks at hoseok, who looks like he's trying very hard not to burst into laughter. "But you're lucky it wasn't taehyung or jimin who caught you, then you'd never hear the end of it,"

"You may still never hear the end of it if namjoon doesn't cover that hickey on his neck," hoseok points and namjoon quickly slaps a hand over his neck, cheeks turning even redder at hosoek laughs at him.

"Just get dressed," Jin sighs in feigned exasperation, gesturing to where Jeongguks shirt had be thrown to the ground earlier. "And be down in twenty, we're all going home,"

"No more funny business until we get back!" Hoseok yells as Jin grabs his arm and tugs him towards the door. "I can't believe you two did it in the studio — it's a sacred pla— hey!"

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