88.0: Back On Cases & New Dynamics

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A/N: This story is based on 7x18 Foundation


"We were planting seeds of change, the fruit of which we might never see. We had to be patient."
― Michelle Obama

Crystal felt someone kissing her shoulder, she snuggled closer into the blankets with her eyes still closed. "Good morning to you too Aaron." Crystal mumbled and she heard him chuckle, Hotch pressed a gentle kiss to her head. "Are you ready to head back to work?"

Crystal opened her eyes and turned to look at him, he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips and she smiled. "Yeah, I miss going out in the field."

"No dying on me again."

"Hmm, no promises." Crystal sat up and stretched, "You said Jess is going to be a bit late?" Hotch hummed and kissed her again before he stood up, "She's needing to head to the store for somethings and I told her that's fine, she's just going to be around 15 minutes late."

Crystal smiled, "I guess I'll go wake up Jack then." Hotch smiled at her, "Do I get a morning kiss first?"

"You've already gotten like 3."


Crystal laughed and walked over to kiss him, she moved away before Hotch could wrap his hands around her. "We have work Aaron, and the Director's keeping an eye on us."

"You're no fun Crystal."

"More fun than you." Crystal countered with a wink before walking out of the room, Hotch chuckled as he watched her leave. "Maybe, but I doubt it."

Everything's fun with you.


Crystal put a glass of orange juice in front of Jack, "Hey bud, can I ask you a question?" Jack hummed as he continue to eat his oatmeal, Crystal smiled and wiped his mouth. "Why'd you ask if me and your dad would have a baby?"

Jack smiled at her, "My friend Leslie's mommy gave her a baby brother and when we asked the teacher how that happened, she told us it happened because her parents loved each other a lot. You love my daddy a lot and he loves you, so you can get me a sibling."

Crystal blushed and smiled shyly, "I...we'll see how things go Jack, but this conversation stays between us?" Crystal lifted up her pinky and he did the same, they touched pinkies and he laughed. "Promise."

There was a knock at the door and Crystal ruffled Jack's hair, "That's your Aunt Jess, ready?" Jack nodded excitedly as he grabbed his backpack, they walked to the door and Jess smiled at Jack once Crystal opened it. "Hey Jack, ready?"

"Almost, gotta hug daddy first." Jack answered and Crystal cooed at him, "You're adorable Jack Hotchner."

"Wonder where he gets that from."

Crystal playfully rolled her eyes as Hotch walked over to them, he smiled and crouched down to hug Jack. "Have a good day at school bud, I love you."

"Love you too daddy." Jack smiled and hugged him before hugging Crystal right after, "Bye Crystal."

"Bye Jack." Crystal smiled at him and waved as Jess took him to the elevator, Crystal turned to Hotch and smiled. "Want some breakfast?"

Hotch hummed and kissed her again, Crystal smiled into their kiss. "You've been doing this a lot." Hotch smirked and bit her lip, Crystal laughed and pulled away. Hotch had his hands on her waist and looked at her softly, "I can't do this at work, I'm trying to enjoy this as much as I can."

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