44.0: Conversations & Gifts

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A/N: Continuation of 6x13 The Thirteenth Step and a brief scene from 6x14 Sense Memory

"The changes we dread most may contain our salvation."
― Barbara Kingsolver

The team drove to the Donovan household when Garcia had informed them that an ambulance was on it's way there as well, Mr. Donovan had been shot and killed. Morgan and Prentiss went into the house to investigate the scene while Crystal, Reid, and Hotch questioned Mrs. Donovan.

"He kept telling Paul to take the ninth step." Mrs. Donovan was shaking as she sat on the steps, Reid turned to whisper something to Hotch and Crystal gave her a small smile as she took a seat next to her. "Mrs. Donovan, would you know the name of the girl who was with him?"

"No, wait. He called her Syd I think, I wasn't paying attention enough and-" Mrs. Donovan started to hyperventilate and Crystal gently offered her a hand, Mrs. Donovan took it immediately and Crystal smiled at her. "Don't blame yourself, Syd is something that we can go off on."

Mrs. Donovan gave her a teary smile as she continued to hold her hand, she let out a sob as she wiped her tears with her other hand. They sat there for awhile until an officer came over to take her to the station, Crystal looked over at Hotch who was staring at her. "What?"

"I see that you've adapted my suggestion of holding people's hands for comfort." Hotch stated with an amused look and Crystal smiled at him, she knew he was referencing the time he had held her hand when they first had an ice cream night. Crystal shrugged, "You're really comforting Hotch."

Hotch's eyes widen and Reid coughed to hide his smile, he cleared his throat before walking away first and Crystal smiled at Hotch. "Cat got your tongue Mr. Funny?" Hotch's lips twitched before moving her hair out of her face, "Yeah, cat's got my tongue." Crystal laughed before walking after Reid, maybe if she stayed a bit longer she would've heard Hotch's gentle whisper.

"But I wish you had my tongue Archer."


Garcia was on the other line as she tried to search for the mystery woman named Syd.

"So, no Ray Donovan filed for a marriage support. However, I looked at the list again and there's a Sydney Manning of Washington State who filed for a marriage certificate two days ago in Montana."

Hotch frowned, "Washington State? We profiled North Dakota."

"She's lived in North Dakota for the last four years, turns out that Sydney was sentenced to mandatory rehab after serving time for a hit and run during which she was under the influence of alcohol and heroin."

Emily raised an eyebrow, "So she didn't volunteer for alcohol support."

"Nope, it was part of her parole."

"Alcohol and heroin, isn't that the same combo that Ray's ex O.D'd on?"


Morgan sighed, "So both Syd and the ex had the same vice, Garcia check if there are any juvie records of the ex we can access." There was typing on the other line, Garcia hummed.

"Amy was pulled out of high school so she could go to rehab for alcohol."

"But no mention of the heroin?"

"Negative on that."

Crystal looked at Morgan, "What're you thinking?" Morgan looked over at her and sighed, "I'm thinking that Sydney is a psychopath and they destroy anything in their way, Amy might've been in Sydney's way." Hotch gave a nod, "Garcia where's Sydney's biological family?"

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora