23.0: Into Alaska

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A/N: This case will be based on 5x21 Exit Wounds, the story will not be changed to much from the original~ Spoiler warning if you haven't watched this episode yet. Also contains a scene from 5x22 when Hotch makes fun of Reid's hair (I love this scene).

IMPORTANT: I've been putting off describing Crystal physically since I wanted you guys to kinda imagine her the way you want, but I do invision her as Asian (I am Asian). It is talked about in this chapter, you can just ignore those parts if you want since the story will still make sense.

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

― Winston S. Churchill

Crystal was currently window shopping with JJ, Emily, and Garcia. Crystal shivered a bit as took a sip of her cinnamon tea, she smiled as she listened to JJ talking to Emily. "Are you gonna call him?"


"Emily." Emily stuttered, "I- Mick Rawson is an egotistical, arrogant, oversexed man-"

"Who's a hot British dude with a sexy accent who carries a badge and gun, just your type." Emily groaned, they stopped walking and Crystal smiled at her. "I think you two make quite the pair, he seemed nice."

"Yeah flirting with both of us was very nice."

"He wasn't flirting with me Prentiss, he was trying to make it less awkward for you." Emily sighed as she looked at Crystal and then JJ, "It wouldn't go anywhere." JJ sighed, "You don't know that."

"I know our work schedules would get in the way."

"Will and I make it work." JJ gave Prentiss a triumphant smile, Emily sighed as she looked forwards and smiled. "Uh oh." Crystal turned to look too and gave a small laugh, Garcia came up to them with many bags as she looked at JJ. "I know, don't say it but when you see what's in here. It's not my fault, they were on sale and when you think about it that means I'm helping the economy which is more than I can say for you guys because no one else has bags..." 

Garcia looked at their hands and Crystal smiled as she took another sip of her tea, JJ sighed with a smile. "Please tell me that those are not all for my son?" Garcia cleared her throat, "They aren't."

"Good." JJ nodded and Garcia guiltily raised up one small bag, "This one's for Kevin..." Crystal laughed as did Emily while JJ shook her head, "Penelope."

"What? Henry is finally at the age where he's fun while opening present and as his fairy godmother I am meant to spoil him, so I'm not taking them back. Give me my coffee and no one gets hurt." Emily handed it over, "Half-calf extra shot venti, two-pump nonfat, hold the whip caramel macchiato."

Garcia smiled as she took it, "Next stop, Xanadu." JJ's phone buzzed and she sighed, "Xana-don't, we just got a case." Crystal sighed, "Well at least we were able to get coffee this time." They started to walk to their cars, Emily had given her a ride. "Maybe I should get a cat." Garcia looked confused, "Cat for what?"

Crystal smiled, "She's trying to think of reasons to not call Mick." Emily gave her a halfhearted glare, "I'll cut you a deal, you kiss Hotch and I'll call Agent Rawson."

"I guess you really will never call him then since Hotch and I have no romantic feelings towards each other." JJ laughed at this, "You two are a mess." Garcia nodded as Emily sighed, "Coming from you two who are in serious relationships, it doesn't help." Crystal shrugged, "I'm not looking for something."

"I'm not either."

"Emily you could have something serious with Agent Rawson."

"And you could have it with Hotch." They finally made it to the cars as Crystal gave Emily an amused look, "What are you nine?"

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