26.0: Two Go In & One Comes Out

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A/N: Continuation of Our Darkest Hour and some of The Longest Night

Just wanted to make this clear that the main focus of the chapters on these two episodes weren't the cases. That was never my intention so sorry for the people who were expecting me to rewrite these episodes, but due to time and my plot it wouldn't have worked if I rewrote it.

"The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday."

― Steve Maraboli

Crystal woke up the morning and headed to the doctor to check on her side, her side wasn't damaged more and she was tested for the flu. Luckily, it was just a bad cold. When she returned to her apartment she checked her watch.

10:45 AM

Crystal yawned as she grabbed her phone, she pressed dial and waited.

"Your goddess of a techy is at your service."

"Hey." Crystal heard Garcia stop typing, she smiled as she heard her gasp.

"Hey, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just calling since you didn't check in for awhile."

"Oh, well Hotch told me to leave you alone so you could rest. Miss me?"

Crystal let out a laugh, "Yeah, missed you. How's the case going?"

"There was another murder last night, I'm trying to find similar cases from all around the states. I've got a long list already and they keep on coming."

Crystal hummed as she walked over to her couch and sat down, "Any from NC?"

"Haven't reached it yet."

"I'll make some calls, give me a rundown on the profile?"

Garcia told her everything she knew and what they were searching for, Crystal nodded and thank her before hanging up. She dialed a different number, "Hey Stephenson," she heard the older woman chuckle on the other end.

"Well this is unexpected, thought you forgot about this place Archer."

"Can't, you were my mentor for ages."

"That's true, but I know you wouldn't be calling to check in on me. Not when you're FBI now."

"I need a favor."


Crystal grabbed an apple as she called Garcia back, she took a bite as Garcia answered. 

"Hey, I've got the others on the other line. I'm gonna patch you through."


Crystal was cut off as she patched through, "You miss me yet?" Crystal heard Morgan chuckle, "You have no idea, you guys got something?"

"Okay, sit down because I'm about to rock your world. I scoured and searched, you were right this guy's been all over the states. There's nowhere he hasn't been in the last 26 years, he's just- wow. He's the worst one I've seen and we've seen a lot."

"I called my old boss, I asked if she had any cases like the one described and she found one 17 years ago in the city of Chapel Hill when there was a blackout. Man broke in, robbed, and killed the family but left the son behind. Another case 10 years ago, same thing but in Boone."

Hotch nodded, "That's how you guys connected the cases?"

"Through the blackout, murder, and leaving a victim behind."

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