70.0: Running In Circles

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A/N: This story will be based on 7x10 The Bittersweet Science

The picture is Crystal's outfit while Hotch is working out~

"A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow."
― Richard Bach

Crystal smiled as Hotch ran past her panting and she stopped the time, "Not bad Hotchner, but you're still slow." Hotch chuckled and turned to look at her, "Faster than you."

"I doubt it, I could beat you in my sleep." Crystal taunted and Hotch looked at her amused, "We could test that theory, how about a race?"

"I don't think my clothes are going to help me with running," Crystal motioned to her outfit and Hotch raised an eyebrow as he walked over to her, he put his arms around her waist. "What happened to being able to beat me in my sleep? Clothes shouldn't be an excuse, just say you can't do it Archer."

Crystal laughed at him before shaking her head, "I could so beat you, but it's only your second day of training so who knows maybe you'll improve." Hotch smiled at her and Crystal pushed against his chest, "You're sweaty, let go."

Hotch's eyes filled with mischief as he pulled her closer and lifted her up to where her feet weren't touching the ground, Crystal's eyes widen as she wrapped arms around his neck as she gasped. "Hotch!"

Hotch chuckled and looked into her eyes, he tilted his head. "Yes?"

"Put me down."

"I don't think I feel like it." Hotch shrugged and Crystal laughed, "Hotch we have work later on today and you need to train." Hotch looked at her for a bit before letting her down gently, "I'll be right back, I'm going to grab us water from my car."

"I think you need it more than me," Crystal laughed and he smiled at her before jogging away, Crystal jumped when she felt something bump her feet. Crystal turned to see a water bottle at her feet, "My bad!" 

Crystal looked up to see a woman on a bike, she smiled at Crystal. "Sorry, it fell out."

"Not a problem, no injuries." Crystal assured and picked up the water bottle and handed it to her, the woman smiled at her and took it back. "Thanks, I'm Beth."

"Crystal." They shook hands and Beth looked around, "Did your boyfriend leave?" Crystal's eyes widen and cleared her throat, "He's uh not, we're not dating."

Beth raised an eyebrow, "Could've fooled me, I've noticed you guys here always on coffee and you guys are training together." She smiled at Crystal and got off her bike to stand next to her, Crystal smiled at her. "We usually get coffee before work and I'm not training he is, we get that we're a couple a lot."

"That means you're getting that a lot for a reason, he looks at you with a lot of care." Beth stated and Crystal blushed, "That's..."

"Normal? Trust me Crystal, if it was normal then everyone would be happy to have what you have." Beth smiled and Crystal sighed, "It's complicated...I'm just not ready."

"Who is? I don't think anyone's ever really ready for anything, but when it's real you should go for it. Things change and that also mean feelings, don't let that slip from you when you have it in your grasp." Beth said softly and Crystal looked at her and smiled, "This is a very intense conversation with someone you've just met."

"I get that a lot, I'm into philosophy and there's nothing wrong with spreading some knowledge out to a person who seems troubled."

"No, it's not," Crystal agreed with a smile, "I love philosophy, I used to teach it. Hated every second of it." Beth laughed, "I bet, but it seems to have set you on the right path." Crystal thought for a second and smiled, "Yeah, I guess it has."

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon