1.0: A new beginning

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"Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody."
― Stephen Chbosky

"I'm not gonna have to pick you up in a body bag am I?" Crystal sighed for what she felt like the 100th time in this car ride, "If I knew you were going to be a backseat parent Jason, I would have walked." She snapped at her brother who, again, did nothing but ignore what she had just stated. Her older brother was being a pain, but she loved him none the less. 

"Look I'm just saying, why couldn't you get a safer job? Remember last time you came home? You looked like a zombie Chris." She knew her brother wanted only what was best for her, but that did not mean his opinion was wanted. "Look Jace, I know you mean well but this is my life."

Crystal use to be a detective until she got a nasty case that lead to her having some major damage, but she saved the victim and the criminal was put away. The only reason she resigned her position as a detective was because her mom begged her to take a break from this life, and she felt like the worst daughter alive to make her mom cry. She took a position as a professor at a local university where she taught philosophy and psychology for the last 6 months. 

Today though, she wasn't going to the university anymore, thank the lord, but heading to the BAU. A special request was made to have her transferred there as a new agent and today was her first day.

"Just...just don't go overboard, okay?" This made Crystal smile at her big, dumb brother. "Jason I was a detective for 5 years, graduated high school at 17, graduated college at 20, and got this new job since I have a very high number in closing cases as well as a diverse resume. I think I can handle myself as a profiler." 

This made Jason laugh, "I never win with you, do I?" He still looked worried, but his shoulders indicated that his stress had went down a bit. "Jace this is the life I want, it's been my dream to be able to be here with people who have the same goal. Putting scumbags away so that the world can rest at ease even if it's a little bit at a time. Every person I put away means another person lives another day. I worked to hard for this life to just give it up, I hope you understand."

The car filled with silence for a bit before Jason finally spoke again, "Yeah, definitely cannot win with you especially when you go all philosophical on me." 

He cracked a smile as they, finally, pulled into the BAU. The only reason Jason was driving her in the first place is because their mom wanted to "protest" her going to work in the field again, so she took Crystal's car keys. Yes, her grown adult mother broke into her apartment to take away her keys so she couldn't drive herself to work. Her father had just laughed on the phone when she had called him to tell him what her mother did, she knew it was her mother since her mother also decided to make her breakfast. Jason drew the short stick, so he was sent to pick Crystal up at 6:00 in the morning, which was funny since Jason could barley drive.

"Mom wants you over for dinner when you have the chance, you didn't hear it from me but she's trying to talk Tyler into having a chat with you about going into the field again." Crystal groaned as she face palmed, Tyler was the oldest, and most stupid while also smartest, and he was the only one Crystal sort of listened to since she use to look up to him a lot as a kid. Tyler majored in business courses in college, so he was really persuasive.

"I'm never coming home, tell her it's to far of a drive without my keys." Which was technically true since her apartment was a good 30 minutes away from the BAU. Her family decided to come visit her and her brother, Nick, who went to the university she used to teach at. The excuse used was that they wanted to come see Nick for his upcoming birthday while everyone was free, but Crystal wasn't about to become a profiler for no reason. It also didn't take a genius to know that her mom wanted them to come from North Carolina to convince her to not take the job at the BAU. They were here for two weeks in a rented house 10 minutes away from her apartment.

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