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You woke up under some large singing horsetails. You turned over to your side to see a Country Troll and a...Rock Troll? Talking. You looked at your thigh and waist and saw that they were bandaged up. You were also in newer clothes. Not really clothes(just bandaged up with a new shirt, pants, gloves and whatnot).

You groaned and sat up. The Country Troll trotted over to you. You got up and pointed your pocket knife at him. "Stay back! Who the fuck are you?!"

The other Rock Troll came over but he didn't a Rock Troll. You looked at him with a questioning gaze. "Are you a Pop Troll?" "Uhm..yes. I am?" You heard skipping until you saw the pink troll you saw before. She was wearing a crown and also looked like a Pop Troll. "Woah, woah, woah. You're fucking Queen Poppy!" She glared at you. "And you seem like a Rock Troll."

The grey troll realized this and pinned you up against a wall. "WHAT ARE BARB'S PLANS?! EXACTLY HOW MANY STRINGS HAS SHE GOTTEN TOO?! WHERE IS YOUR GUY'S BASE ANYWAYS?!" The Country Troll pushed him off. "Woah there, Branch. Calm down. This is Y/N." You looked at the Country Troll one more time. "Wait- HICKORY?! Since when have you-" He cut you off. "Y/N." He gave you a look and you understood. However, it seemed sad. Strange...

"Wait- Y/N" Poppy walked up to you. "Y/N L/N?" "W-what? Yeah, that's me?" You looked at the Queen strangely. You felt like you knew her. She hugged you tightly and Branch looked at you crying. "What's this?" You said, feeling gross but comforted at the same time. "Y/N.." Branch came up to you and held your face. "I really feel like I know you." You said.

"Y/N, it's me...Branch." "I-.. I don't-" He backed up and Poppy pulled something out of her pocket (WHAT?!). It was a scrapbook. "Y/N, when we all moved out of the Troll Tree and to the forest, there troll left behind. My dad went back to look for her but found a different troll running off with 'em.. All of Troll Village spent years looking for her until we just thought-" You looked at Hickory, confused and angry "Anyways..we made a story about it because there wasn't much else we could do.."

"Wait, so how does this have any relation to you?" You asked pointing at Branch. "Y/N. I'm your brother." You stared at him. You could see some relation but...come on. "N-no. Barb is my sister. I'm a Rock Troll. Look, even my ears are pointed!" "Yes, Y/N, that's what happens to Trolls when they're raised by a different society of Trolls." You felt your ears and looked down. Is that why you liked being tidy? Or happy? Is that why you felt bad for the other Troll Leaders? Is that why you liked most music?

"Okay, I would love to believe this but-" Branch looked at you, tears still running down his face. You wanted to believe him, you really did but all those thoughts went away when something big started coming at you guys. "Uhm- guys?" You pointed up and the others turned around. It looked like a big bright mushroom top.

"Holy shit- Ima pass out now" You peaced out the Trolls as you got lightheaded and fell to the floor.

You woke up on Hickory's back. He, Poppy, and Branch were following four tall, four-legged trolls. The older two looked pretty fUnKy, while another looked like a hot hip-hop dude. The last one looked like the other one, just with a hat and straightened hair. You looked down and whispered. "Hi Dickory." You got a reply of, "Guten Tag Y/N. May you please get off of me now." You giggled and hopped off. Hickory looked at you and spoke with a southern accent.

"Morning sunshine. Welcome to Vibe City." Your face suddenly went from a smile to a frown. "Vibe City? The Funk Trolls?" Hickory looked down and nodded. "Oh god, Hickory!" You whispered. "Barb is coming here next!" He looked around. The four were singing to Poppy and Branch about how the trolls really separated. "Did she really not know that it all went down with Pop?" you asked Hickory as he shook his head.

When they were done, they continued talking until they brought up the string. You gasped. It was on a funk guitar. 'I could just snatch it right now..' Branch looked at Poppy and then at you, giving you a look. You scowled and stopped preparing. He looked back until there was a loud alarm.

You grinned until the Queen glared at you. "Get her out of here!" A few of the Funk Trolls started running towards you and you backed up behind Hickory. "Oi! Enough! She's with me!" "She's a Rock Troll!" Queen Essence yelled. "There ain't no time right now, we gotta get outta here!" He roared back. She glared before galloping off to battle positions.

Just as everyone was getting on their vehicles, the power went out. You smiled but felt bad. "They're playing dirty!" The hip-hop/funk troll cried out. "Get them OUT!" Queen Essence yelled again. Just then, you and Hickory were trapped in a bubble while Poppy and Branch were trapped in another. "HICKORY, Y/N!" she screamed. "Don't worry Poppy!" He shouted as we flew out of the mushroom, "We'll find you!"

You started to freak out when you saw Barb and the rest of the Rock Trolls. "Barb! BARB!" She didn't notice you but someone did. "Y/N! NO Y/N" You looked up to see Trollex crying and trying to break the bars. "TROLLY! I'M RIGHT HERE! TROLLEX!" "NO! Y/N!" You started crying as you and Hickory slowly drifted away (Dickory too).

Trollex's POV~

I've been crying silently after what happened to Y/N. She was most likely dead, no one could survive that fall. I think I saw some clouds try to catch her when she fell but still. She could have cracked her head or drowned or been captured or eaten. I heard yelling for Barb on the outside of the Bus and I looked out. It was Y/N! "Y/N! NO Y/N" She looked at me and smiled but cried. "TROLLY! IM RIGHT HERE! TROLLEX!" "NO! Y/N!" She cried harder until I couldn't see her anymore. I leaned up against the wall and slowly went down. I was never going to see the love of my life again...

Normal POV~

The bubble finally made it to the ground and popped. You cried silently and Hickory patted your shoulder while talking in his normal accent. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't know you had a thing for him." You could hear Dickory in the back. "OOOHH, Ms. Princess of the Rock Trolls likes the Techno King? OOO, what a plot twist!" Hickory whacked Dickory. "OAW (best impression I can get of ouch in german)!"

"Shuddup Dickory!" "No, you Hickory!" "Guys.." You said wiping your tears. "We need to find Poppy and Branch and get that string." Hickory looked at you confused. "You still wanna do this Y/N? I mean he's your brother." "They might be lying so I can turn against Barb," you sighed, "besides, I need to get back to Trollex." Hickory and Dickory snickered and you rolled your eyes. "Alright, m'lady. Let's...go get that string, I guess." Hickory said slowly in a southern accent.

"Alright then." You said hopping onto Hickory's "back". "Let's go!"

Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now