The Pop String

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"Poppy!" "Hickory! Y/N!!" Poppy ran up and hugged you both tightly. "Poppy-" You began, "We need to know where your string is. We need to protect it!" Poppy at you then looked down. "Yeah..sorry." You said while backing up.

"Poppy, where's Branch?" She kept looking down but grabbed something from her hair. It was the Pop String. Hickory looked at Dickory while Poppy played the string and it let out a beautiful melody, nothing like you have ever heard before. It inspired you, it made you feel happy, it made you want to dance. Just a single melody made you want to do all these things, but you couldn't. You knew you couldn't. 

"Poppy, take the string and run as fast as you can, you hear me?" "What? What are you talking about?" "Trust me just go." Dickory started struggling to get out. "Now! Please! Just go!" You looked at Hickory with surprise. He was trying to help her? "Hickory, are you all right?" Poppy asked. "I'm fine. Hey. Hey now! Stop that! Here. Oh, woah, woah!" Hickory kept hitting Dickory while he tried getting out. Suddenly, Dickory ripped out one hand and Poppy shouted. The other hand and Poppy gasped. Finally when Dickory got out, Poppy screamed. You tried to stifle your laughter. Her scream was quite funny.

Hickory and Dickory started yelling at each other. "Nein! What are you doing Hickory?!" "Quiet Dickory!" Poppy started to freak out. "What's going on? Hickory??" "I am so sorry." "Yeah! Show her who you really are, HICKORY!" Dickory ripped off Hickory's clothes and you covered your eyes, expecting him to be naked. When Dickory started yodeling, you peeked out. Hickory had clothes on.

Just then, you could hear a rumbling, but Dickory and Poppy couldn't hear it. "Wait. You're the Yodelers?!" "Yeah! Ya darn skippy, playa-play!" "And you were gonna give our string to Barb?" "Ding, ding! Give this person a strudel for the correct answer!" "And you were in back the whole time..?" " subject, please."

Poppy looked at Hickory sadly. "Why would you do this?" "So sorry. Uh, it was the only way to save our beautiful yodeling." "Hickory" "But trust me, you need to get out of here right away" "What are you doing, Hickory?" "Nein- Dickory!" The three started fighting while you just watched, wondering who's side you should pick. "Y/N! Help me!" Poppy yelled. You just stood there, breathing anxiously. Dickory yelled and eventually got the string when two Rock Trolls grabbed Poppy.

They still hadn't noticed you, but your sister did. "Y/N!!" You turned. It was Barb. You smiled and started running towards her as fast as you could. "Oh my goodness, Y/N! Did they hurt you? Are you okay? How did you survive that? Oh, I will make that horse PAY!" "Barb, Barb, I'm okay!" She sighed and took a deep breath. "I can see that." She walked over to the Hickory and Dickory. "I thought I heard a yodel." "Queen Barb!"

She talked to the Yodelers while you looked around. It was just Barb and the other two rock trolls. One of them seemed kind of pretty, so you winked at them playfully. She giggled and kept holding Poppy. That's when you noticed Poppy. She was staring at you with pure fear and sadness in her eyes. You looked away.

"Well! I suppose you ar-" Barb stopped and stared at Poppy. The two of them blushed. "Ahem, you are Queen Poppy. I have your string. I will make you love rock. I am gay- Wait what?" Poppy stifled a giggle while Barb rolled her eyes. "TO THE ANGLER BUS!"

You finally arrived and went straight to your room. You organized everything and looked for the closest thing that could resemble your relationship to Branch. That's when you heard a voice. "Y/N?" You looked down. You still had your keys. "Trollex!" You gasped. You ran out, opened the cell door frantically, without bothering to close it. You ran up to hug him and started crying.

He hugged you tightly and floated down. You heard your name being called but you didn't care. Again, louder. Until suddenly, your keys were grabbed, and the door was closed shut. You opened your eyes to see Barb there frowning. "Barb??" You remarked rattling the door. "What are you doing?!"

"Either you're a traitor or those Pop Trolls really messed with your head! Dickory said you have a crush on this Techno Bastard over here?" You looked at Trollex who looked at you with a confused gaze. "He's not a bastard!" You yelled. "Oh, so it's true! You DO have a crush on the King. Well, guess what that means? You're a traitor! You probably tried to help him out of here multiple times! Sorry, kid- but I guess you're going to be turned into a Rock Zombie also!" As she started walking off, you yelled one more time.

"So it's true! I'm a Pop Troll?!" She stopped and glared back. "Yes, Y/N. You're the Pop Troll that mom saved from the Bergens. You're not a Rock Troll. And you're not really my sister.."She said the last thing with her voice breaking and walked off. You faced Trollex and opened your mouth trying to form words. "I-" He shushed you and held you close. You started crying into his chest and hating life.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done any of this, I shouldn't have helped her-" He shut you up with a kiss. It was like your first kiss, but much more passionate. He kept it going on for a few seconds before you pulled away and started crying more. You looked at his beating pixelated heart and tapped it. It fluttered faster and scared you. "What just happened?" "You unlocked it." He joked. You sniffled and snuggled up to his chest again.

He held you closer when Riff came down and asked what you were in for. "This guy." You said flatly, not looking at him. "Dude- that's knarly." He answered back while walking back up the stairs. You sighed and looked at Trollex's bed. There was something under it. You checked was a guitar. A simple one made out of twigs and hair? It seemed like one of the Pop Troll's guitars.

"What's this?" You asked grabbing the guitar. "Oh, I was going to give it to you. You said you were a fan of country, so I made you a guitar to play...I mean, like only if you wanted to-" "I love it." You replied. You started playing a song and Delta Dawn, as well as Clampers, got up. Poppy (who was thrown in there earlier), got up to listen as well. You believed that everyone was surprised because Trollzart was up, Queen Essence, King Quincy, Delta, Clampers, and Poppy. They were all genuinely surprised to hear a Pop Troll who had been raised as a Rock Troll play a Country Song.

"Do you love the waves? Do they make you dance? When you're out with your friends at a party. What's your favorite song, does it make you smile? Do you think of me? When you close your eyes, tell me what are you dreaming? Everything, I wanna know it all. I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more. Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours. And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try, if it's ten thousand hours of the rest of my life, I'm gonna love you."

You were surprised when Trollex continued the song. "Do you miss the road that you grew up on? Did you get your middle name from your grandma? When you think about you forever now, do you think of me? When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'? Everything, I wanna know it all. I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more. Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweetheart of yours. And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try. If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life. I'm gonna love you.." You giggled and he blushed.

"I-" You looked over to Delta Dawn who seemed like she was trying to say something. "I'm sorry Y/N. I never should have kicked you off the edge, whether you were helping or not." You smiled softly. "It's alright Delta...I'm sorry. Everyone. I never should have agreed to help Barb with this and I should have tried to make her stop."

"Well, I for one am glad you helped her!" Trollex smiled widely and rested his head on top of yours. "Partly" You rolled your eyes. "Trollzart, I definitely shouldn't have held that knife to your throat or forced your people to get into the dungeons." He nodded his head and smiled while King Quincy looked around. "Wait, you held a knife to his throat-" "Yes, NOW! Queen Essence and King Quincy. I should have told you guys the truth and helped you when I had the chance."

"It's alright dear." Queen Essence replied. "All is forgiven." You smiled and then faced Poppy. "And Poppy. I'm sorry I didn't believe you or help you when you tried getting the string from Dickory." "Y/N! Don't apologize. We all know you only wanted to help your sister." You smiled at everyone and looked around. Until Delta fell to the floor. As did Clampers, Trollzart, King Quincy, Queen Essence, and Poppy. "GUYS!" You yelled. Someone came down the stairs. It was Barb.

"Guess what N/N? We're home now! And now, it's time." She blew a dart at Trollex and he fell to the floor. "Night Trolly.." She said before you passed out.

Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now