V: Без слез ... Родился монстр (No Tears... A Monster Born)

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A/N: I know its a guy pointing the gun, but you'll get the image. Just replace it with a female. 

September 2008. Red Room main base. Russia. 

Winter Phoenix/SA-8431's POV

I stood in front of the mirror once again, in front of a man with a bag over his head. Only this time, I had been directly influenced in this capture as one of my first missions. I had killed before, but with pure remorse. I had suffered the pain of killing people on my missions, but this was going to be different. I had to not cry. I had to be better.

Signalling to the poor girl who always attended these executions, she pulled the bag off of the man's head. He stared at me calmly. I felt Winter, the Madame and the colonel standing behind me. Raising my gun, I shot the man square in the head, right between the eyes. He fell over on his bound hands to the concrete floor with a sickening thud. I knelt next to him and cruelly used my telekinesis to pull out the bullet and throw it to the floor. Then I stood. In the mirror just ahead of me, I saw Winter, and he saw me, just as I gave a sickening half-grimace, half-smile. I stepped back. The girl began to cry as she witnessed the horror that I had just created. Blood splattered on the wall like a gruesome painting, and blood leaked out like a river onto the floor from where the prisoner had struck his head after I killed him. An older woman from the Red Room came and pulled the girl up and dragged her out of the room by her elbow. Then I heard Madame B's voice speaking to me amidst the horror and gruesomeness of it all.

'Now, you are ready. You are now the Winter Phoenix. Born out of blood. You are ready to take your rightful place in this world.' I turned to her, blood on my face. I reached up and wiped it off.

'I have no place,' I said bitterly.

'That's right.'

No remorse.

No guilt.

No shame.

Because I was a killer.

A monster born.

The Winter Phoenix.

Winter Phoenix: HYDRA Is Your Place (A 2008-2012 Marvel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now