IX: Проект СА-8432 (PROJECT SA-8432 (M-SS SEED)

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Late 2008. Siberia, Russia.

The project.

That was how it all started.

It was a few weeks, or months, after I had first woken up, shortly after I had first become the soldier I was meant to be.

A few HYDRA scientists had taken Winter and I into a small room, where there laid needles and tubes full of fluid. It looked like the laboratory of a mad scientist, if I even knew what that looked like. There was still that disconnect between my past and my present. But I couldn't break through the programming. Everything before HYDRA was fuzzy. A complete blackness. A blank slate, as it were.

They brought us to two chairs next to each other and began hooking us to various machines. After a while, I felt a needle pierce my skin, making me grimace. Winter was still and silent as they withdrew blood from him, barely letting anything slip except him flexing his fingers. I watched carefully as they took the vials of blood from us and went over to a small vial holder and began to clean and scan the samples of blood from the two of us.

Soon after our blood was taken, we were taken to separate rooms and I was laid down on a table, where they collected spinal fluid and other things needed for whatever sick experiment they were planning. When they had finished with me, I was returned to my cell that I shared with Winter. Winter was already there, and he was laying on his bed, eyes staring straight at the ceiling.

'Hey, doll,' he said, the name flowing from his lips. His rusty voice said it all. He was as tired as I was.

'You 'kay?' He eyed me.

'Yeah. Tired. You?'


'Do you have any idea what they want with our... you know, blood, spinal fluid, everything else they extracted from us?'

'No,' I replied. 'Do you have any idea?'

'Would I asking the question if I did?'

'No, you wouldn't. Whatever it is, it's not good.'

'I agree.' 

A few days later, Winter and I were wiped of the experiment and sent on an another mission. And soon, two months later, a pretty young girl who had no memory whatsoever of how she was born or who her parents were entered the picture. And Winter and I were her handlers. Over the course of the next few years, we began to train her.

To teach her how to fight.

And most importantly, how to kill.

And with that, Project M-SS Seed was born.

Winter Phoenix: HYDRA Is Your Place (A 2008-2012 Marvel Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now