X: Walking A Fine Line: Humane and Inhumane

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About a year or two after previous chapter

Winter Soldier/Asset's POV

Fine lines we all walked. All of us. Between the humane and inhumane. Phoenix told me once she felt like a puppet with a gun. I didn't know what to think. I was the Winter Soldier, a masterpiece of genetics and man-made serum. Completely perfect.

But I wasn't the one calling the shots.

Neither was Phoenix.

And neither was the girl that we were beginning to train, the girl that we were getting to know as PROJECT SEED. But it wasn't long before Phoenix gave her a nickname that stuck somehow as her real name, the only name we could ever give her in this goddamned place.


Simple, but it fit the girl perfectly. She had my blue eyes and Phoenix's dark brown hair that gave off a small sheen when brushed, which it almost never was. But the girl's was, for she was a student of the Red Room. And almost instantly, she captured our hearts, even though I didn't think we had any. We had both tried to fight the programming, but we lost every single time. The trigger words were in our heads.

Day in, day out.

We were trapped.

Although we didn't know it yet.

Didn't suspect anything.

No. We had to comply, had to knuckle under and follow orders.

We were just mindless.

Mindless killing machines.

Shadows of the people we once were. 

                                                                            -Time skip-

'Punch harder!' Phoenix screamed, slamming her bare fist into the side of the little girl's face, and she crumpled to the floor. Phoenix stalked around the girl. 'Get up. Now.' Her eyebrows raised, and the girl took the cue, getting up from where she was laying on the ground. The girl got into a ready fighting position, but she was poorly positioned.

'She's not doing it right,' I spoke out. Just then, Phoenix swept the poor girl off her feet and she landed hard on her back, letting out a strangled cry. My partner stood there, examining her nails as the girl crawled slowly to her feet, audibly wincing.

'Get up,' Phoenix said, gritting her teeth. The girl got up again, and at this my partner snorted. 'ужасный (Terrible),' she said in Russian. 'Мы сделали здесь (We're done here).' She signalled to her other partner, Viktri Karpov, to take over training the girl. She jumped off of the training ring and came over to me. 

'Она еще не готова (She's still not ready),' I said to her. 

'Я знаю (I know),' Phoenix said, casting a glance towards the girl training with her partner, Viktri. 'Красная Комната хочет ее. И они хотят нас (The Red Room wants her. And they want us),' she said. 

'Полковник сказал почему? (Has the colonel said why)?' She shook her head. 

'Он только сказал, чтобы она была готова через два дня. Она немного улучшилась в элементарном русском и немецком языках. Ее прогресс все еще невероятно расстраивает (He only said for her to be ready in two days time. She's improved slightly in rudimentary Russian and German. Her progress is still incredibly frustrating).' 

'Ce nevoie ar avea doamna pentru noi (What need would the Madame have for us)?' I asked her, switching to Romanian. She shrugged, which I thought was completely arbitrary for her. She'd never done it before. Must have been something she picked up from Emily, I thought. 

'Смотри, зима, я не все знаю. Все, что я знаю, это то, что мадам хочет нас (Look, Winter, I don't know everything. All I know is that the Madame wants us),' she replied, returning to Russian. I nodded slowly. 

'Could it have something to do with the new girls that came into the Red Room facility? Because there were about twenty of them, maybe more.' 

'Not so loud. English is her strong point. She can hear us,' she hissed. 'Either talk in Russian, or keep it down. The former I would prefer.' 

'Вы не хотите, чтобы она что-то подозревала (You don't want her to suspect anything)?' I asked in Russian. 

'Конечно (Of course),' she replied, letting a ghost of a smile escape her lips. She raked a hand through her hair. 'Тренировка и больше ничего для нее. Она не может знать. Что-нибудь (Training and nothing more for her. She can't know. Anything),' she said softly. Then she turned and left and I was alone to watch the girl train. 

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