Chapter 18: Servitude for This Masked Knight!

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A/N: Hello. I must learn how to write again. It will be a short chapter because I don't feel like writing about Vanir mocking Darkness and Kazuma in the dungeon so I'll just skip it and insert Y/N somewhere in the story. I hope you don't mind it. If you want to hear Vanir's beatiful voice just go and watch the anime. Anyway, let's get it started

Doors slammed wide open and Sena with Megumin have shown up.

Sena: Satou Kazuma! Is Satou Kazuma's party here?!

Y/N: How the hell did you find us?! Oh, hi Megumin

She waved at you with a smile and a small blush

Y/N's mind: Damn, she's SO cute

Sena: There you are. I was looking for you bec-

Y/N: Did you know that Darkness is pregnant?

Kazuma: Y/N! 

Megumin: Wha-Wha-What?! Is that true?! Who is the father?! 

She was looking very confused and worried at Kazuma then at me and again at Kazuma. You turned yourself to Kazuma and smirked

Y/N: Our friend Kazuma will be a great father don't you think?

Sena: Can I say something? There's an emergency-


Sena: ...

Darkness' Father: I can't wait to see my grandchildren

Aqua was probably dying from her brain overheating, Darkness was trying to stay calm, Sena was confused and Darkness' father was incredibly happy. Kazuma was... eh... how to say it? He just run away while nobody was looking.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Darkness explaining to chibi Aqua, Megumin and Sena that it was all a lie


Sena: When we looked into the source of the monsters all around the town, we found them to be coming from the Keele Dungeon that you entered the other day!

Y/N: You can't just blame everything on us.

Kazuma looked at everyone

Kazuma: I'll ask, just in case. You guys don't know anything about this, right?

Megumin: It means nothing to me, unless it has something to do with explosion magic.

Darkness: Same goes for me. I haven't done anything likely to cause a problem.

Y/N: Me neither.

Kazuma looked at surprised goddess

Kazuma: And you?

Aqua: Of course not! You're doubting me way too much! If anything there should be fewer monsters in that dungeon because of me!

Y/N & Kazuma: "Because of me"?

You took Aqua's hand and stepped back with Kazuma

Y/N: Keep talking.

Aqua: Well, y'see... The magic circle I drew in that lich's room was a super serious effort!

Y/N: Mhm

Kazuma: Hm

Aqua: It should still be intact, with any evil entities being unable to approach it.

Kazuma: What did you just say?

Y/N: *dying inside*

Aqua: Wh-What's the big deal? It's like I just said. The magic circle I put my best effort into should be keeping monsters away from-

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