Chapter 11: Destroyer

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Luna: Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! All citizens, evacuate at once! All adventurers, equip yourselves and report to the adventurer's guild!


You ran outside the mansion and saw Kazuma and Aqua

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You ran outside the mansion and saw Kazuma and Aqua.

Aqua: Kazuma! Y/N! We're running away! We're running far away!

Kazuma: Huh?

Y/N: Aqua, how did you get here so fast?

Aqua: Panic, I guess.

Megumin: The mobile fortress, Destroyer... Fighting that thing is reckless, at best.

Kazuma: I keep asking, what's a Destroyer?!

Darkness: An ancient weapon that went on a rampage. They say that where it passes through, not even grass remains.

Y/N: Okay, let's fight it. We're going to the guild.

Aqua: Why?

Kazuma: I agree with Y/N. Like hell we're gonna let the house we finally earned, after so much work, be destroyed that easily!

*TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi scared Aqua being dragged by chibi Y/N*

The Guild

Luna: All of you are this city's last bastion of hope. We humbly request your assistance.

Lady with crystal ball: At present, the mobile fortress, Destroyer, is on direct path our way, invading from the northwest. One hour remains until its arrival.

The crystal ball was showing what the Destroyer was doing but suddenly the picture went off

Random Arch Wizard: Um... The Destroyer was created by an ancient magical kingdom, correct? Did the people who created it prepare any countermeasures?

Luna: They were the first to perish in the Destroyer's rampage.

Chris: You should all run away immediately.

Darkness: No, they can't. The townspeople will all lose their homes.

Chris: You're as stubborn as ever, Darkness.

She approached you and pulled your sleeve

Chris: Hey, you. Got any bright ideas?

Y/N: Well, actually yes. Aqua, couldn't you break its barrier?

Aqua: I have no way to know unless I try.

Luna: You can break the Destroyer's barrier?!

Y/N: We can try

Luna: Aside from that, we'll need some heavy-hitting magic...

Adventurer: We have that. If we need firepower, we have her, don't we? The crazy one.

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