Chapter 17: Our Masochist is back!

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Megumin: Kazuma? Y/N? What are you guys doing?

Y/N: Hmph... they see me rollin'

Aqua: Why are you riding a pig?!

You sighed deeply and opened your eyes. You had a magnum headache because you and Kazuma were drinking a lot last night, to bring him back to reality after his nightmares

Y/N: Why am I riding a pig?!

Megumin: You don't remember anything?

Y/N: Hmm... no. And where's Kazuma?

You looked around and saw sleeping Kazuma who was hanging on the fence while another pig was licking his face

Kazuma: Mhm... *he opened his eyes* -GAAAH!

He fell from the fence face first into the mud, his scream scared your pig and the pig proceeds to run around in fear

Y/N: Stooop! Somebody please help!

Aqua and Megumin were laughing like hell

Aqua & Megumin: Hahahaha!

*TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Y/N riding a chibi pig*

Y/N: Ko

Kazuma: No

Aqua: Su

Pig: oink oink

Y/N: What are you doing here?!

The next day

Kazuma was arguing with Aqua about her burning his tracksuit, you and Megumin were petting Chomusuke. It was cold, very cold.

Megumin: Y/N? Could you create some fire? I'm freezing.

You looked at her and smiled gently

Y/N: Come here..

You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her what made her blush because you took her by surprise.

Megumin: *error, brain.exe has stopped working*

Y/N: Burning Fist

Aqua and Kazuma were still arguing while someone barged in

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Aqua and Kazuma were still arguing while someone barged in

???: Trouble, Kazuma! Major trouble!

Everyone except you: Who are you?

The woman who burged in blushed and squealed 

Kazuma: Huh? She's... glad?

???: Kazuma! Can't you save this kind of play for later?!

Y/N: Yo, Tankness.

Kazuma: Wait... is that really Darkness?

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