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Hello Everybody! I hope you like this chapter. I don't really have anything to say except that I hope you have a great weekend. Anyways, this chapter was 1145 words long. I hope you enjoy!

Asano was nervous. Sweat build at his brows as he stood at the wooden front door of class 3-5  When Nagisa asked him the other day if he could get his class a pet, Asano couldn't find any reason to decline the proposition, so he agreed. "What the worst that could happen?" He asked Nagisa, not expecting an answer. Not only did Nagisa answer, he made Asano slightly regret allowing him. Nagisa laughed darkly as he stood up. "I guess you'll just have to find out won't you?" He asked with a tilt of his head that sent chills up the other's spine. 

Now, Asano was standing in front of the class 3-5 door wondering if he should go through with his plan of entering the classroom. How did he get in this situation in which he was scared of his own employee? Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? 

No. He's not scared. He's been through worse. His fear of what Nagisa is planning is probably irrational. He wasn't about to let Nagisa get the best of him. It's not as if Nagisa would get a tiger as a class pet or something crazy like that. He probably got a messily hamster or gerbil. Asano wasn't going to be afraid of a rodent. 

Asano knocked on the door twice and waited for it to open with a new found confidence. He hear footsteps gradually nearing the door from the other side and the brass nob turned a moment later. The door opened to reveal Nagisa smiling. He was wearing a pale button down, some work pants and a weird snake scale necklace.  Asano looked at him, waiting for him to say something when he saw his big necklace move. Wait...

Asano's eyes widened when he realized that Nagisa's thing around his neck was not a necklace at all and was in fact a snake. "Nope." He said simply and he proceeded to pivot on his heels and leave the vicinity. Not today Satan. (You guys can choose the name of the snake by the way!)

— + — ~ — + —

The class was ready. They collectively realized that their attempts on assassinating their teacher did nothing and were ready poorly planned out. He always saw them coming some how. His reflexes are insane and always leave the determined students stumped. 

Their main method to assassinate Nagisa-sensei is knocking him out. They can't actually kill him and definitely don't want to so the only logical way to get him in a position that would lead to his death if that was their intent is to have him pass out or knocked out since the operation would be way too hard if he was conscious. 

So far, their best attempt was done by Benjiro. A few weeks ago, Nagisa decided to let the students play table tennis at the school since they were installed a week prior. He let them know the day before they went and someone developed a plan. Benjiro obtained a tranquilizer dart after school that day, though he never did disclose how he got the dart when he was questioned later on.

When Nagisa brought them to the green tennis tables the next day, Benjiro was horrible at the activity. This confused his sister since she knew that he wasn't anywhere near to being as bad as he was that day at table tennis. At their old school, he was the table tennis champion. She pulled him aside and bluntly asked him why he sucked at playing now when he was so good before. 

"You'll see sis. Just don't tell anyone that I'm any good. I have a plan." Benjiro told his sister. She agreed, curious to what he was planning. A few minutes of playing later, Hayashida asked Nagisa-sensei if he knew how to play. Nagisa admitted that he did, in fact, know how to play. Some of the students convinced him to play some table tennis with them. Even though Nagisa wasn't the best at the game, he still one many of the rounds. 

A few rounds later, Nagisa was set to play against Benjiro. Nagisa smiled and wished them a good game. Benjiro and Nagisa played a little, Nagisa winning most of the time. On the second to last round, Benjiro decided it was time. It was his turn to started with the ball so he "accidently" dropped the ball. When he went to pick it up, he switched the real ball with one that had a tranquilizer dart sticking through it.

 The reason he pretended to be bad earlier was so that his teacher was to catch him off guard when he hit a perfect ball straight the teacher's arm. The plan would have worked if Nagisa hadn't already realized that the boy was faking being bad. The way he was holding the racket seemed too experienced for a beginner. When Nagisa saw Benjiro get back up front with a ball that was more clean then the one they had been just using, he realized that Benjiro had swapped the balls. He pretended to not notice.

Benjiro was super he wasn't going to miss. He planned to hit the ball in a way that would make  it swerve. When his teacher would attempt to hit the ball, it would swerve and hit wrist. And since Nagisa wouldn't know he was good, he couldn't predict that the boy would use such a expert move. 

When Benjiro hit the ball, Nagisa anticlimactically moved out of the way, avoiding the ball all together. Nagisa walked to the swapped ball and picked it up, examining it. Surely enough, a point was sticking out of the ball. Nagisa walked back up to his side of the table and leaned over it slightly. 

"Did you know that beginners hold their racket differently?" He asked Benjiro. "They hold it like this." Nagisa said as he held his own racket in a manner that most of the students where holding their rackets. "Also, this ball is a little cleaner than the one you placed into your pocket. Wouldn't you agree?" Nagisa asked.

 "It was a good attempt though. I was almost going to try and hit the replacement ball you threw at me." Nagisa informed his student. Benjiro just stood there, dumbfounded. He was so sure his plan would work, yet somehow Nagisa was one step ahead of him. 

That was the best attempt on Nagisa to date. Even though most of the students didn't really want to leave the year early, they were still determined to do the impossible. In this case, that was to assassinate their teacher. 

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