Arguments and Apologies

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Hello!!! First off, I would like to say sorry for being a day late with this chapter. I had a lot of school work so I didn't have as much time as I usually do. I also wanted to make this chapter longer than usual so that took some more time. In the end, I'm really proud of this chapter. This chapter is around 3000 words long. I also apologize for the emotional roller coaster in this chapter. Anyways, Enjoy!

Nagisa realized that something was off the second he entered into his house. It was unusually quiet. Normally when Nagisa got home, there was always some noise, wether it was Hon and Karma playing, Karma talking to Rio on the phone about some random gossip in their former class or exchanging blackmail or Karma just simply making a lot of noise. When Nagisa walked through the door, there was not ruckus or any kind. 

Nagisa deposited his bag near the door and entered into the living room. There was no sign of his boyfriend in the living room. The thing in that room was a cute little husky asleep next to the couch. Nagisa decided that Karma must be in their bedroom, so that where he went. 

When Nagisa entered the bedroom, he spotted his boyfriend instantaneously. Karma was sat on the bed with a laptop in front of him. It didn't seem like Karma noticed his boyfriend had entered the room. Nagisa moved a little closer to the screen to see what Karma was so focused on that caused him to not be perceptive enough that he couldn't even noticed that he wasn't the only person in the room anymore. Nagisa's eyes widened when he saw what was displayed on the screen.

"Why are you looking at job applications?" Nagisa asked, his voice raising a little higher than usual. Karma's head snapped toward his boyfriend, finally noticing the bluenette. He looked really tired. He sighed an agitated sigh.

"I got fired." Karma said simply as he rubbed his eyes that hurt from looking at the bright screen. Nagisa gasped. Fired?

"You got fired? Oh my god. What are we going to do? My job can't support us..." Nagisa stated in with more and more panic lacing into his voice the more he spoke. 

It was true that Nagisa loved his job. He wouldn't trade it for the world. Following in his sensei's path, giving students hope when everybody told them they were hopeless ; that they were never going to turn out to be anyone when they grew up and matured. That really was all Nagisa wanted in an occupation. But money wise? It wasn't the best. Karma was always the one who made the most money to support the three of them, dog included. Without Karma's job, they would soon end up spending more cash than making it. 

Nagisa stopped his pacing and looked at his boyfriend once more. He was already stressed out enough. Nagisa didn't need to add anymore stress on top of that with his mindless pacing. He walked toward his boyfriend and sat down on the bed next to him, rapping one arm around his shoulders and lightly pulling the red head closer. Karma ended up with his head on Nagisa's shoulder. It was a pretty bizarre position, considering that Karma was so much taller than his little boyfriend, but a comforting one nonetheless. 

They stayed in a relaxing silence for a few seconds before Karma dropped the bomb. 

"I want to be an assassin." When Nagisa heard those words come out of his boyfriend's mouth, he tensed up. His face paled as Nagisa comprehended what Karma said. He pulled away and faced toward the other, locking eyes with him instantly. Nagisa hoped that Karma would just break into a smirk and tell him it was just. The only problem was that in reality, it wasn't a joke. 

"W-what?" Nagisa said, his voice creaking as the words came out of his mouth. "B-but I thought you liked being a bureaucrat." 

"I do but I want to do more than just sit in an office all day." Karma said.

"But an assassin?" Nagisa asked with a bit of fear in his voice. Karma furrowed his eyes when he heard the tone that his boyfriend was using. 

"What? You don't think I can do it." Karma said with some anger laced in his voice as he stood up from the bed where they were just sitting. "You know just because I don't have as much stealth as you doesn't mean I'm not strong enough to be one." 

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