Nagisa's return

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Hello Everybody! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Honestly this is probably one of my favorite chapters since I love fanfics that have a secret relationship reveal. Also I just realized that I started this fic in August! This is definitely the most effort I've ever put into something that's going on for such a long time. Anyways thanks for all the support! This chapter is 1120 words long. Enjoy!

The three day suspension has finally expired and Nagisa could not be happier. As much as he loves staying at home with Karma all day, he hates when his boyfriend has to go to work. Being a bureaucrat means that Karma doesn't have the luxury to stay at home all day. Nagisa tried to do something productive like prepare some lessons for his students when gets back to school but he was already done with preparing for the week by the second day of suspension. The third day, he was just cleaning the apartment that they shared to at least try to do something productive until Karma got home. When karma got home, he found Nagisa cleaning the kitchen floor. That night, Nagisa was tired from cleaning all day and Karma was tired from working all day so they both went to sleep instantaneously in each other's arms.

In the morning, when Karma woke up, he quickly realized that they had forgotten to set an alarm the night before and when he looked at the clock, he noticed that Nagisa had to get to his job in fifteen minute. Nagisa awoke to his read-haired boyfriend shaking him awake with urgency. "Nagisa! You're going to be late!" Karma whisper-shouted at his bluenette. Nagisa's eyes shot open and in a matter of seconds, was off the bed and running to the bathroom to get dress for work. By the time he was ready to leave, ten minutes had passed and Nagisa was going to be late. 

Karma turned towards Nagisa. "Want me to drive you there?" Karma asked. If Nagisa walked, he would probably get there in 20 minutes, 15 if he ran or jump from roof tops. If Karma drove him, they would make it in 10. Nagisa managed a quick nod before the couple sprinted to the car.

— + — ~ — + —

Hayashida, Yamazaki, Imai, Koda and Aiki decided to greet Nagisa when the returned. Even though the three days with Bitch-sensei was kind of fun when she taught them fighting moves or knife tricks, she was still a bitch when they weren't. She would make them write an essay each day in english which was not fun at all. She would sit on her phone while they wrote and sometimes she would even talk to some named Karasuma on the phone as if the students in front of her didn't even exist. She was still better than any other teacher that they had before Nagisa-sensei though. 

The five students waited in front of the school gates. Every time they saw a car pass by, they turned to look at it, hoping it was their teacher's car. Finally, they saw a white car stop close to the school. They strained their eyes to check if their blue-haired teacher was inside of the car. He was. But there was someone else with him. Nagisa said something to the other person and attempted to open the car door to exit but the other grabbed his arm to stop him. Nagisa turned back around a they looked at each other for a moment before Nagisa seemingly leaned into the person and kiss them. 

The student's eyes widened at the scene. Hayashida and Yamazaki were shocked because they didn't expect for Nagisa to kiss the person that they could only assume was the infamous Karma while the other three students were shocked that he kissed someone so casually when he specifically told them that he didn't have a girlfriend. They didn't realize that the other person in the car was in fact male. The car was too far away to make out the details. 

Nagisa finally opened the car door and exited the vehicle with a obvious smile planted on his face. He walked a little closer while coincidentally looking at the ground. When he looked up, he met the widened eyes of his students and he stopped dead in his tracks. Judging by his facial expression, Nagisa had realized what they had just seen.

— + — ~ — + —

When Nagisa and Karma arrived at that school, Nagisa looks over at his boyfriend and said a quick "Thanks!" before attempting to open the passenger side door. He was stopped though by a hand grabbing his wrist. He turned his to see his boyfriend looking at him with a smirk. Nagisa stared at Karma for a few seconds, lost in his gorgeous red eyes. "Well I think I deserve a better thank you than that." Karma said as he broke the unknown spell that he had put on Nagisa with just one look. Nagisa quickly understood what the red-head was implying so he leaned in the kiss the boy. The kiss lasted a few seconds too short for Nagisa but he really did need to get to class. After the kiss ended, Nagisa gave Karma a loving smile before he finally exited the car into the cool morning wind. 

He was still smiling as he started to walk away from the vehicle. He lifted his eyes and saw something unexpected. He stopped walking abruptly and widened his eyes because before him were five of his students. Hayashida, Yamazaki, Imai, Koda and Aiki where standing a few feet away from him, mirroring the shocked expression he knew he had displayed on his own face. 

Nagisa looked back and noticed that Karma's car had not moved at all. When his eyes locked with those of his boyfriend, Karma face turned into a smile and he mouthed something that Nagisa could only assume was something along the lines of "I guess you'll have to introduce me." Nagisa made a motion with his hand that indicated for Karma to join him. Nagisa sighed before looking back at his students. Yamzaki, Koda and Imai's turning into something less shocked looking while Hayashida and Aiki's faces turned into faces of excitement to meet the person who was dating their teacher. 

Karma opened the driver's side door and stepped out to join Nagisa and the five students. Koda, Aiki and Imai's faces all became shocked once more as they started at the male who had kissed their teacher. Karma arrived at Nagisa's side, he gave the students a toothy grin before saying "Hey! I'm Karma, Nagisa's boyfriend."

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