Mystery girl

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Hello!! I just want to thank everyone reading this! This story has 800 reads and I'm so happy! I decided to make this chapter a little longer than the others since I had the time and motivation to. I hope you enjoy this. I decided to make Okuda a teacher since I think she could be a chemistry teacher. I also added a new oc. I realized that mainly girls were involved in the relationship arc so i decided to add a boy for some diversity. Sorry if i made any spelling mistakes! This chapter is around 1370 words long. Enjoy!

Yamazaki, Kure and Hayashida step out of the classroom right as their teacher turns the corner in the hallway. Luckily their teacher wasn't walking too fast or else they wouldn't know which way he went and therefore would not have been able to follow him. They follow him until he stops at a classroom. Is this where he was going for lunch? With another class? 

"See!" Kure says "I told you he didn't like our class! He's even going to eat lunch with another class!" They all watch silently as Nagisa knocked on a classroom door. A few seconds later, a petite dark purple haired lady walked out with some books and a bad in her hands. She had big round glasses on the tip of her small nose. If it had not been for her lack of a school uniform, they would have assumed she was a student instead of a teacher. They relieved that he wasn't going to eat with another class instead of their's but they were still tense about the other teacher. 

The two teacher's started talking together while walking down the hall. It was obvious to the students watching them that they aren't stranger's. They both seem pretty confortable around each other. They're probably friends, maybe more. Hopefully not more. 

As they were following the teachers, Nagisa noticed that he was being followed but he brushed it off as him being paranoid and kept walking. He stoped at a table outside where there's not many students around. He sat down with his friends and opened up his lunch while the three girls hid behind some bushes. It was the best place to hid because they could see and hear everything that isn't below a whisper. 

As Nagisa pulled out his lunch he heard laughing from across from him. He looked up to see the other teacher laughing at him and his girly lunch that Karma always manages to slip into his bag and switch out for his real lunch. "Seriously Okuda-chan! Don't laugh at me!" Nagisa says while pouting. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! it's just when Karma mentioned that he was switching out your lunches, I didn't expect it to be that cute looking." (Also if you didn't notice it yet, I made Manami Okuda into a teacher. She's the chemistry teacher since she does a lot of chemistry in the anime.)

Honestly Nagisa doesn't really mind the lunches apart from the fact that they look so cute. They always taste really good and it's also really sweet how much effort Karma puts into his boyfriend's lunches. If they weren't so embarrassing, Nagsia would eat this everyday. Today, Karma even made little animals out of the sausages and rice balls. A faint blush dusts his checks. The three girls behind the bushes see the blush on his checks but pass it off as he's just embarrassed which he clearly is. 

Okuda eventually stops laughing and talk about some boring teacher stuff. One of the girls moves a little bit while Okuda continues to talk about her class but doesn't expect Nagisa to notice. Nagisa notices. He starts to zone out and wonder who it could be behind the bush. Now he knows for sure that he was followed earlier on the way to this table. He settles on the idea that it's probably one of his students but why? What do they want from him? Did he do something wrong? Did he- 

"Nagisa!" Okuda shouted, Bringing him out of his trance. "Are you even listening?" Nagisa sits up in his chair "Yeah, of course!" Nagisa lied. Nagisa half-listens while she continues talking. Why where the watching him. What could be so interesting about talking with a teacher? She's just talking about teacher stuff... wait. She's talking about teacher stuff. A girl. Nagisa remembers the question one of his students asked him earlier. They probably think that she's my girlfriend or that i like her. Nagisa smiles with the realization that he is about to embarrasse his friend. 

Once Okuda stops talking about her work, Nagisa decides to ask her a question. "Sooo.... When's the wedding?" He asks with a mischievous grin. Okuda face turn 5 shades of pink. "Seriously? Karma told you about my boyfriend? I told him not to tell anyone!" She pouts. Bingo! Nagisa thinks.

"Actually, he didn't tell me. I may have ease dropped on your conversation. I mean he wasn't quiet about it. When you told him over the phone he screamed 'OMG OKUDA YOU FINALLY GOT A BOYFRIEND?!?! Now i can tease you about it with Rio!!' I just happened to be near him while grating my students homework." 

The three girls behind the bushes silently sighed with relief while Okuda started talking again. "Oh yeah Nagisa, You have the bottom class right?" The girls tensed again when she mentioned their class but Nagisa just smiled and said "Yeah! They are all going to be great people one day. They are kind of like us when we were in the bottom class. I just hope I can help them improve like our teacher did to us." 

Even if his students weren't there listening in, he would have still complemented his students. He really does believe that they are all going to be great people. The students behind the bush were shocked. He really does like their class. Kure started feeling bad for doubting their teacher's kindness while Hayashida was smiling proudly. Yamazaki was also happy that their teacher wasn't lying to them. They also felt inspired, even Kure. Hearing that their teacher was also in the bottom class made them feel great that even though he was in the bottom class, he still became a teacher.

Just then, the bell rang and Okuda and Nagisa left their table while saying bye. A minute later, the three girls followed to avoid suspicion. They were late to class but Nagisa didn't really question it. They all lessons continued until the end of the day.

— + — ~ — + —

The bell rang, signifying that it was time to go home. Instead of going home, most of the class went to the library to discuss what Kure, Hayashida and Yamazaki found out during lunch. They told the rest of the students what happened.

"Wait seriously? He said that about us?" Airi-kun asked. He was a short curly haired boy. He's normally quiet in class but he gets good grades. He was put into class 3-5 for his lack of participation. Airi is really nice and caring. Airi also the gossip so naturally, he's invested in this situation. "Now i feel guilty that we ever doubted his trust." Airi confessed. " Yeah, me too." Yamazaki agreed. 

"You know, maybe now we should help him. I know he told us not to metal with his love life, but I feel like he deserves the happiness of having someone in his life." Hayashida told the rest. Most of them agreed while some didn't want to get involved. Kure was also planning on staying out of the drama but Hayashida insisted that she stayed because she was already involved. Kure relented and the class started to come up with ideas on how to get Nagisa-sensei a girlfriend.

Little did they know, at the other side of town, their teacher was cuddling with his boyfriend on their bed. Karma was smiling while running his hand through Nagisa's soft, blue hair and Nagisa was half-asleep on his chest. Nagisa shivered when the students started talking about him. He feel asleep shortly after, Karma falling alseep right after him. 

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