First things first

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Hello everybody! I kind of changed the format of my paragraphs to make it more like how real books look so I hope it looks okay. Anyways, I felt really inspire this week for some reason so I might have written 2080 words this week... I hope you enjoy!

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Kure asked the group. They were all currently sitting at the largest table the Chōwa Public Library offered. It was big round table in the student zone. All around them, random students for different schools sat with tutors or classmates to study and work on projects. At the table next to them, two students wearing a Paradise High School uniform were working on a project. The group really hadn't expected to see students from their school at the public library since there was a perfectly good library at their school. It doesn't really matter though since the group wasn't in their uniforms anyways. 

"Maybe we could make like a booby trap or something." Imai suggested from across Kure. Almost all the students from class 3-5 were at the table. Even though the table is the biggest in the whole library, it still barely fit them all so the students were kind of glad some weren't able to make it. 

"We still have to many him pass out though so we should probably try to obtain some gasified anesthetics so that when he inhales it, he should pass out." Wakumi suggested which surprised half of the students. She was sat in a chair next to Kimora with a The Series of Unfortunate Events : The Ersatz Elevator open on the table. The students thought that she was reading so they didn't except her to input any ideas into the conversation. 

"Why do we need gas?" Hayashida asked with curiosity.

"Well actually," Ishii started to answer. "It would make more sense to have some sort of gas instead of the liquid that we inject in him since so far, we haven't been able to even hit him with the fake knifes he provided us with so it's logical to assume that we won't be able to inject him with anything either. He also might expect that since Benjiro already tried to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart." Ishii explained to Hayashida and the students who didn't understand why gas was the best option.

(By the way, I know nothing about gasified anesthetics but since anesthetics put you to sleep, I assumed that gasified anesthetics could be used for the students' assassination mission.)

"Well how on earth are we suppose to get gasified anesthetics?" Aiki questioned. "This stuff isn't easily accessible to the public ya know?" The table went quiet for a second, stumped. They spent a moment just debating their options. None of them knew where to get gasified anesthetics or any kind or anesthetics for that matter. Or at least that's what they thought. 

"I can get some." Benjiro said, breaking the silence. The students looked at him for a moment. They had the same look on their faces when explained to them what he was trying to do with the table tennis situation since none of the students even understood his plan until he explained. Benjiro couldn't decide if he should be offended by the look. On one hand, it looked like they were admiring his intelligent idea, but on the other hand, they looked at him like he was crazy or something like that. 

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Miki asked her brother. While most people at least looked like they were half admiring him, she just looked at him like he was full on bonkers. 

"The same way I got the tranquilizer darts, duh." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the whole entire world. He rolled his eyes when he noticed that she was still looking at him like he was insane. 

"What?" He asked.

"Well how did you even get the darts in the first place? Saying that you are doing to get the gasified anesthetics the same way that you got the darts still doesn't explain anything." Miki argued. She hated when her twin acted this way. Like he was ways more clever than her and like she had the IQ of a third grader. 

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