A Little Setback

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Hello! So first off, I might not be able to post every week (I will try my hardest though). The reason behind this is that I'm going back to irl school and my house is thirty minutes away from my school and most days I have after school so I would come home at like 6:00 and then have to do homework. Anyways, this chapter is words around 900 long and I do hope you enjoy it!

Satou didn't know what to even do anymore. After the conversation that she had this morning with Kimora, she knew she was a little screwed. But she was fine right? Her plan would still work... she would just need to be more careful. She knew it was in there so all she needs is time and then she will succeed. She didn't realize that her plan would backfire even more. 

The conversation started like this: Satou walked to the classroom of class 3-5 and waited outside of the door with her snack. They had decided to meet up at snack every morning so that they could see each other even when they couldn't walk to school together. Satou put on a fake smile when she saw the door start to open. Kimora came out of the class with a real smile. Satou thought it was funny how they both had smiles on even though only one of them was happy to see each other. 

"Hey, Satou!" Kimora called to her. "You look pretty today." He complimented her. She felt her face become a little warmer though she didn't know why. Was she sick or something? She really hoped not since that might interfere with the plan. 

Satou was wearing an orange plaid skirt and a white long-sleeved crop top that had orange flowers on the front of it. She had the same black boot as she wore the day before and she wore her black hair in a half up half down style. She had a little bit of orange eyeshadow on and a little bit of mascara, but other than that, she didn't have any makeup on. 

"Good morning, Kimora and thank you!" She said cheerfully. She personally didn't like the orange outfits she always wore but mother said she looked pretty like that so she always wore them. "So did anything exciting happen today?" She asked, trying to keep a conversation going.  She knew that she needed to socialize with him or else he might suspect that she was not there for him. She could also get some information out of him if she needed to. 

Luckily for her, Kimora trusted her with information about his class. Unluckily for her, the information he was about to give was not at all beneficial to her. 

"Oh yeah. Nagisa-sensei thinks that someone broke into the classroom yesterday afternoon." Kimora said casually. Satou's face paled and her eyes widened for a second before he regained her composure. She couldn't let him know that the sentence that he had just spoken affected her, but she couldn't help being worried. Did she leave any evidence that pointed to her breaking in? How did he even figure out that someone had broken in? She needed to ask more questions. 

"Oh really? Why does he think that?" Satou said, changing her voice so that it sounded like she was only a little bit intrigued and not dying to know. Kimora didn't seem to notice how much she wanted this information since if he did, he would have gotten suspicious. He did not get suspicious though. Instead, he continued talking.

"Oh, he said that his desk looked different than when he left. Like someone was messing around with his stuff or something like that. I honestly think that he's just being paranoid. There's no way he could actually remember how his desk had looked when he last left it right?" Kimora asked rhetorically. Satou just silently agreed with a little nod. How did he notice that someone broke in with just that? How was she ever going to pull off her plan when the teacher was so observant?

"Satou? What's wrong? Why do you look so worried?" Kimora asked. Satou forgot to stay composed after what Kimora had told her. She needed to come up with an excuse. 

"O-oh. I just realized that I have a test next period that I forgot to study for... I'm worried I might fail it." Satou lied. Kimora got a worried look on his face too. 

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do fine. You should study while you still have time though. See you later!" Kimora said. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. He was very soft and gentle about it. She felt a little comforted after it. She wouldn't be lying if she said that she hated it. She couldn't get distracted though. She needed to work on her plan. 

Kimora pulled away and a loving smile appeared on his face. Satou blushed a little at the sight. "Good luck." He said before turning around and walking back through his classroom door, leaving Satou all alone in the hallway.

Satou knew that when he had said good luck, he was referring to the test that she didn't actually have, but she couldn't help but feel as if he had wished her good luck on her plan. 

That warmed her heart a little. 

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