Chapter 7

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Lydia lifted her head from the bed as she heard the knock on the door followed by his voice. Lydia sat up in the bed and tilted her head.

"Lithon..?" she muttered confused as he told her that he had breakfast for her and asked if he could come inside. Well, it was his house so she really didn't have anything to say on that matter, and why did he care? it wasn't like she had any privacy anyway, after all, she had been kidnapped. "Well, I ummhh- I-..." She mumbled, she sighed and shook her head. "You can't" She answered, yelling so he could hear her.

Lithon was shocked into silence. He hadn't even thought of the possibility of her saying no. Should he just leave it on the floor? No, how would she get it? He had no idea what to say or do. But then he heard her move closer to the door.

Lydia crawled down from the bed, slightly whimpering a bit. She placed her knees on the ground and walked on her knees and hands over to the door. It was not easy to do in such a long and not to say heavy dress. She crawled over to the door and grabbed the door handle and opened the door. "You can't without me opening the door" she continued what she had been saying before. She looked up at him, looking as ridiculous as him as she was on her knees.

Lithon was surprised, there was no hiding that. After all, how often do you see a princess on her knees? Lydia blinked a few times in surprise by the look of him holding all that food. "I see that it was a good thing I opened the door." She mumbled and crawled to the side so he could enter the room.

He entered as she waved him in. At some point, he stepped on her dress and she didn't notice as she tried to move. Tugging on her dress as she closed the door, the dress slipped free from under Lithon's foot, making him lose his balance. Not knowing what happened, Lithon found himself lying on his back, covered in food. Lydia hurried to his side. Sitting next to him, her eyes full of concern.

"A-are you alright? Did you hit your head, or hurt yourself?" she asked. Her long chestnut-colored hair was softly hanging down from her slender beautiful face.

'Why would she be concerned?' Lithon thought to himself. In fact... Why did she even let him in? He's kidnapped her! But then again... If he didn't he wouldn't have gotten to see her beautiful amber eyes staring into his as she leaned slightly over him. He couldn't move nor speak. The feel of her silky hair touching his face was ticklish but it felt nice. As her soft delicate hands gently brushed the egg away from his forehead, the light from the window lit up her eyes and face.

She softly sighed with a faint smile "What a mess" she muttered as she looked around at the room. "What a waste... I'm sorry." She adds frowning a bit. She wasn't sure why she had rushed to his side as he fell, maybe it was because he was in his human form and she felt sympathy with him like any other human would. Still, he had kidnapped her, she didn't have to care.

As she sighed softly he finally found his tongue. "Don't worry about it. I can always make more." Her gorgeous face was above him and just inches away. Before he knew what he was doing his hand moved up to gently caress her hair. He moved some of it behind her ear so he could see more of her face. He placed a hand on her cheek then ran his fingers gently through her hair.

Lydia slightly blushed as he reached up with his hand and caressed her hair gently. She stared into his deep purple eyes as he laid there on the ground, caressing her head... His fingers were soft and with smooth movements, he moved more of her hair behind her ear so he could get a better look at her. His hand felt warm against her cheek and quite nice. Without thinking she laid her head against his hand to take in more of his soft touch. It felt so nice that she didn't even think about it before she did it. She just did it. Feeling his slender fingers run through her long silky hair slowly made her heart race a bit, making her blush more.

Lithon smiled a truly genuine smile as Lydia leaned into his hand. He was too busy staring at her that he didn't even notice the sound of her heart beating faster nor how fast his own was beating. She was so cute when she blushed. But when she started to move away Lithon's smile vanished.

He was her kidnapper, her enemy, her savior... Lydia didn't know much about him, she had barely just met him but still, his touch made her heart act weird. She didn't find his touch disgusting and she didn't hate that he touched her like that, which she should. She shouldn't like any of it, he was her kidnapper. She should be disgusted and should have moved away terrified from him. She should yell at him, tell him to release her immediately, she should threaten him with the power of her family...

But instead, she held her head gently against his hand as it laid on her cheek, with closed eyes she enjoyed it, finding it calming. She wanted to move closer to him as he held his hand on her cheek she remembered the warmth of his body from last night then he carried her home. But she didn't move closer, she opened her eyes again.

Blushing from the weird behavior she had she said, "D-do I have something in my hair?" She asked softly and looked into his purple eyes again. She glanced into his eyes, feeling almost enchanted. She had to move away! because this feeling wasn't right. She gently lifted her head from her hand and was about to move away from him.

He had kidnapped her, Lithon reminded himself. Plus she had a fiancee. He had no right to touch her... she should pull away... he was a dragon and she was a princess. It went against all her fairy tales and even his own ideals. He hated her family. They had wronged him so much just because he and his family were different.

As Lydia moved further away Lithon was suddenly hit with the feeling that he didn't want her to move. So what if she was a princess and he was a dragon. So what if he and her family were against each other. All he cared about at that moment was her. He couldn't understand how he could feel so strongly about her in just a short period of time but he did know that he didn't want her to move any further away.

"Wait," he called grabbing her hand. He sat up and drew her closer to him. "Ki... Kiss me?" He asked nervously before he leaned forward and kissed her. It was soft and gentle, with one hand on her lower back and the other one on her cheek.

He knew that any moment she might pull away and slap him or run away in fear thinking that this was the only reason he kidnapped her. But right now he didn't care. All he wanted was to hold her at that moment.

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