Fan Story

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Hi everyone! You've got to read this fan story written by AngelaJackySparrow ! It shows how the other side, the kingdom, see the events that took place which I found quite interesting and fun to read :)


Dominiques Story:

I grew up in a castle within a small town near the main city, soon I began to be trained to be a knight, like most other second sons of an aristocrats. The only Person that truely loved me was my mother, but when I was ten she became severely ill and shortly after passed away. My father ignored me, only caring for his first son, and the other boys training with me only cared for my status as nephew of the King. Five years have passed since mothers death and I finally decided to search for happiness. So I left the cold castle behind, for the only one that held me there was now long gone.

The sound of the hooves of my trusted horse hitting the road and the wind in my face signaled the change of my fate. After a long ride I finally reached the main city, awestruck I watched the hustle and bustle in the streets, the colors in the market and behind it all the big castle. Nervous I handed the letter of my uncle to the guards of the castle to let me pass. In the yard I finally got off my horse and handed its reigns to the stable boy with a small thanks. In the end with the help of some guards, I found my way to the doors of the throne room, but wasn't aloud in as a meeting was held. So I decided to explore a little bit and finally I found a marvelous library and within the library sat a young girl reading a book.

She was so engrossed into the fairy tale that she didn't even notice me. Slowly I walked to her, she had to be about ten years old, with a soft smile I asked "What are you reading?" Startled she shrieked, then when she saw my gentle slightly amused grin she answered timidly "A fairy tale about a sleeping princess." I immediately recognized the tale, with a sad but loving smile I told her "My mother used to tell me that story, although my favorite fairy tale was a different one." Her eyes brightened "Which one is your favorite?" She was so cute, fast I looked over the different books and took the one I searched for out. I opened it where the tale began and handed it to her. "This is my favorite, it is rather unknown and the ending is different from most fairy tales, but that is why I like it." Her eyes sparkled as she began to read. Slowly I looked at the big grandfatherclock to see that far more time had passed then I thought. "It seems I have to go now." Slowly the girl looked up with sad eyes, but before she could say anything I added, "Maybe we will meet again then you can tell me what you thought of the story. I am Dominique, a guard in training." A smile formed on her lips "My name is Lydia. I hope we meet again, Dominique!" With a last wave of my hand I left the library and walked back to the grand doors. Talking a strong breath I entered the throne room to finally meet my uncle. "Dominique Silberbell, my nephew, it is good to finally meet you!" boomed the loud voice of the King. Standing only meters away him I bowed "It is a pleasure to meet, your highness, uncle." "Stop the formaleties, we are family. In your last letter you asked me for a favor. What could this favor be?" I had long thought about my life and how I truely want to live and four months ago I found my answer "I am asking you to allow me to train as one of your knights, one of your guards, but without other people knowing of our relation. " A confused look graced the man only few years older then my father, after a moment he finally asked "Why do you wish to make a secret out of your bloodline?" I signed remembering "Since I was young all the people around me only saw me as the nephew of the king, but not as myself. So I beg of you to allow me this chance to live as who I am!" An understanding look crossed the dark brown eyes before me and with a nod he answered "Of course, it is a pleasure to take you in young knight, we shall call you Dominique Lyon from now on. Your camber will be with the other knights and your training will beginn tomorrow. Tonight rest well." Relief washed over me, I thanked him with a bright smile and just as I was about to leave he told me "I wish you all the best."

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