Chapter 22

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Taking a deep breath, Lydia prepared herself for what was to come. Peeking out the window beside the front door, she glanced at the rows of soldiers, awaiting their commander's orders, her ex-fiancé's orders. Her plan was simple. Or so she hoped. She knew that her part was easy, Lithon was the one placing himself in harm's way. He would need to face all the soldiers. But she trusted his abilities, his skills. He was faster and far more vigilant than any human could ever hope to be, and that is what he must use.

Taking another breath, she soothed her nerves with the knowledge that no human could hurt him. He only got injured last time because he let them injure him, she told herself. Now that he knew the plan he wouldn't just sit there and let them cut into him. This is all for show, she reminded herself. Lithon won't actually get hurt. This is all for show.

"Ready?" Lithon asked as he came towards the door and placed a small kiss upon her forehead. He was nervous. How could he not be? The last time they were near these soldiers they nearly took Lydia away from him against her will. He couldn't let that happen this time. Not after she had promised to stay by his side. She wanted to stay with him. Besides, she was right. Running away would only be a temporary solution. The kingdom would keep trying until they succeeded. There was no escaping this battle. If not now then later. Better sooner than later, Lithon thought to himself. At least this way they were in with a chance of keeping their home. Worst case scenario they would flee.

"I'm ready." Lydia replied, her voice sounding stronger than she felt. Taking one last deep breath, she stepped forward and opened the door.

Stepping out of the castle, Lithon stood in front of Lydia, shielding her from view.

"Please, John." Lydia tried once more to reason with him as she glanced at him from behind Lithon's shoulder. "He's not evil."

"The beast's hide is tough but it had tasted out blades before and it shall do again!" John called as though Lydia hadn't even spoken, riling up his men, readying them for the battle that was about to begin.

"It was worth a try." Lithon spoke softly, reassuring her that she had done all that she could. "It's my turn now." as he finished speaking his body began to morph and change into his much larger dragon from.

Lydia had been having doubts about her plan the moment they stepped out into the open and saw just how many soldiers there were. There were more than back at the camp. However, seeing Lithon shift into his stronger form she allowed herself to relax. She wasn't wrong. Lithon could handle this.

Lithon took a protective stance in front of Lydia and roared. He knew that this would intimidate some of them and that meant that they would hesitate. And a hesitant blade could not pierce his scales.

"CHARGE!!!!" John hollered as he raised his sword high in the air. The soldiers only hesitated for a brief moment before all of them came charging at once.

Keeping his body low, he didn't allow any of the soldiers to pass him and reach Lydia. Whenever they tried, he swept his tail across the ground, remembering from their last encounter that he could use a little more strength. The soldiers would go rolling backward, injured, but alive.

With this many soldiers however he could not keep them away from Lydia and completely defend himself at the same time. Most soldiers were still trying so slice at him, swinging their swords from side to side. That may work on the thin membrane of his wings but it would not work on his hard scales. A few of the soldiers had realised this and were thrusting the tips of their swords right in between his scales. And the word was spreading quickly.

Not yet, he told himself. It still isn't time.

Lydia's hands were clutched close to her chest, close to her heart. It was beating erratically as she watched the man she loved face scores of soldiers. He'll be alright, she kept repeating to herself. But as the words turned over in her mind, she caught sight of at least half a dozen swords that were imbedded in Lithon's legs, their owners either lying a few feet away or retreated due to losing their weapon.

"Lithon!" She called, worried.

Lithon turned his head and caught Lydia's eye. He knew that she was worried for him but he simply couldn't hold them all back while not killing them. He may be a dragon but he wasn't a monster. Or so he hoped. Letting out a low rubble, something akin to a purr, he tried to reassure her that he was ok. He wasn't badly injured.

Lydia slowly nodded her head, understanding. She tried to remind herself that they had agreed that Lithon would flee, taking her with him, if things got too out of hand. Lithon knew his body better than anybody else. He knew his limits. And if he wasn't worried then neither should she be. Taking in an unsteady breath she willed the tears that were pooling in her eyes to not fall. He knew what he was doing, he wouldn't allow himself to get too badly injured.

Lithon kept his eyes on Lydia until he was sure that she had understood his message. When he did turn back he noticed that the soldiers had formed some kind of formation in front of him, all of them surrounding a single person. John. He stood tall and confident, gesturing with the long, thick spear in his hands, he commanded his men to split up.

Lithon kept his main attention on the group of men who were circling around his right side, heading for Lydia. He did not ignore the other men though. He could see them steadily approaching him. Watch every step each man made, not liking the slow but steady movements of the group heading for Lydia, Lithon let out a long, low hiss.

Lydia jumped slightly as she heard Lithon's hiss. Other than his initial roar and the reassuring rumble he made to her, he hadn't made a sound throughout the entire battle. It comforted her. Told her that Lithon had everything under control, that he wasn't worried or anxious. But this hiss said something else. It said something was going to happen. Something bad.

As she watched from her safe space behind Lithon, John and his men charged forward and raised their swords. Lithon swung his tail at them but only around half of the soldiers fell. The rest managed to dodge and continued towards Lithon. Throwing a quick glance her way, Lithon raised his wings and flapping hard, trying to lift himself off the ground. However, he wasn't fast enough. From what Lydia could tell his wings were badly torn, too torn to lift off at his usual speed, and so, his takeoff was delayed. It wasn't delayed my much, a couple of seconds at most, but it was enough for John to reach him.

Many of the soldiers pierced their blades into Lithon's legs just as he began to take off the ground, John however, did not. Adjusting the grip on his spear, he drew his arm back and lunged forward, thrusting his spear deep into the left side of Lithon's chest. Right where his heart would be.

The castle grounds went silent for a moment, and then, all that could be heard was the ear-piercing screech that Lithon let out, louder than anything the men had ever heard before, and the pain-filled cry of Lydia.

Staring at the scene in horror, Lydia brought her hands to her mouth as she screamed. This wasn't meant to happen! Her screams stopped and she fell to her knees, all her strength leaving her.

"No." she whispered. "Lithon..." her voice was barely more than a squeak. "Lithon!!!!" she called at the top of her lungs but it was too late. Lithon had reared up, away from john, and ripped the spear from his chest with his teeth. But it was far too late. Blood seeped from the wound and he began to sway. As Lydia watched, the huge form of her dragon, her beloved Lithon, began to fall towards her. Closing her eyes, she let a small smile grace her lips. "It looks like I'm coming with you, my love... The irony..." she whispered softly, tears finally beginning to fall.

As the soldiers watched on helplessly, an earth-shattering thud filled the castle grounds and they saw the princess that they had risked their lives for, the princess that they had fought so hard to rescue, vanish under the huge form of the dragon that they had just killed.

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