A/N - Chose The Next Scene

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Ok, I'm writing this to kind of see what you want to happen next... I'm not asking for story ideas (I have it all planned out) but I am asking if you want me have a certain 'adult' scene.

Young readers you may avert your eyes now.


Originally I planned for this next chapter to be the steamy scene and the last one just to be a kind of teaser that would lead onto it... But now that most people think that that last chapter was what I meant by being intimate, I'm wondering if I should just leave it the way it is...

This could go two ways.

1: I don't have an adult scene and I just imply it.


2: I have an adult scene but mark where it is so that younger readers can skip over it without missing anything important.

Both methods have their good and bad points so I thought I would do a poll as such and see what the majority want.

So, please comment your vote!

Steam? Or No Steam?

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