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december 31st, 1986

aberdeen, washington

"if you take any longer to get ready, it'll be 87' before we get to seattle."

"shut the fuck up, kurt."

the trio, krist, kurt, and molly, had been sitting in the girls bedroom for the past hour, waiting for her to finish her painstaking makeup routine.

krist snorted at molly's retort, causing a smirk to crawl its way onto her lips.

she dropped her hand from where it had been drawing eyeliner on her waterline.

"if you're really that bored," she said, reaching into one of her vanity's drawers, "then start rolling."

she tossed a big plastic bag and a pack of papers at krist, knowing kurt couldn't roll a joint to save his life- something she had learned on their first trip to kurt's spot under the young street bridge.

"say less," said the tallest of the three with a goofy grin, opening the bag to break down the weed, the wonderful aroma filling her small bedroom.

kurt studied molly with his electric blue orbs. "i just don't get the point of doing all that. i mean, you look fine without it, and aren't you just gonna, like, sweat it off?" he asked her, meeting her eyes in her mirror as he stretched out on her bed.

"okay, i'm gonna ignore the part where you said i look just fine," molly said, meeting kurt's eyes through her mirror.

kurt groaned as krist laughed at his friends banter.

"you know that's not what i meant, molly. you always look great," the blonde said.

molly turned in her chair, facing the boys lounging on her bed.

"i love that you think i don't already know that."






"okay, okay, i'm coming," molly yelled out, rushing down the steps, meeting an annoyed kurt and krist at the bottom.

amanda had left on christmas and hadn't returned since, leaving molly with the house to herself.

this wasn't a problem with the girl, in fact, she preferred it this way. besides, she was used to it; it wasn't the first time her mother had abandoned her.

"calm down guys, there's no need to rush," molly said, nearly out of breath as she smoothed down her skirt. the girls' outfit was pretty average for her- loose, worn jeans over fishnet tights, doc martens, and a distressed band tee (tonight, black flag.)

with her trusty leather jacket thrown over her arm, a pack of cigs and her ever present cherry lipstick in her hand, she was ready to go.

kurt looked at her, unamused, and said, "doors open at 7:30 and it takes at least an hour to get from aberdeen to seattle. it's 6:45, molly."

her kohl rimmed eyes widened. "is it really? well what are you guys just standing here for, let's go!" she said, pushing past her friends and rushing to the door.

the boys exchanged a look before following her outside, krist shutting the door firmly behind him.

"so who driving?" she asked them, shaking her keys in her hand.

"you're not?"

"not kurt."

the two answered at the same time, casing molly to let out a giggle.

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