alone again

436 26 9

may 27th, 1987

aberdeen, washington

"olympia? are you fucking kidding me?"

kurt sighed, looking up at the now pacing girl.

"molly, listen-"

"no, no, no," she cut him off, waving her hands in the air, "you don't get to talk right now."

the boy sighed again, shaking his head, his shoulder-length hair covering his face.

"since when?" she uttered quietly, after a minute of silence.

"not that long molly i swear, tracy only asked me on the 11th-" he rushed out.

molly cut him off again, swinging around to face him, "two weeks? you've been planning on moving to fucking olympia for two weeks and it didn't even cross your mind that i might wanna know?" she snapped.

"maybe i didn't tell you cause i knew you would react like this," kurt exclaimed, jumping up and throwing his hands in the air.

"like what, huh? like what, kurt?" molly said, getting in his face and raising her voice, "am i being fucking crazy? is that it?"

"yeah, you are. you're being a crazy fucking bitch!" he yelled back, taking a step towards her.

blue stared into unwavering blue, neither one of them wanting to be the first to break.

"whatever, kurt," molly scoffed, picking up her purse and jacket from his bed, "i'm fucking leaving. have fun in olympia."

she purposefully walked past kurt, knocking into his shoulder as she did. she made it to his apartments door and swung it open. molly paused, turning to face the boy who had followed her.

"don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart and all of your shit's on the street," she bit out harshly, rushing towards the steps, out the main door, and into the comfort of her jeep.

slamming the beat up red door shut, she gripped the steering wheel until her fingers turned white, staring at it like she wished she could set it on fire with just her eyes.

"fuck!" she screamed, punching the wheel, making the horn go off.

she took a ragged breath, trying to push her emotions out and calm down enough to drive away from kurt's apartment complex.

pulling out of the parking spot, she pressed play to start whatever tape she'd been listening too. the stooges self titled. of course. the first album she'd listened to with kurt, right there in her car. ejecting the cassette, molly threw it to the side as hard as she could, making it shatter against her window.

she screamed again, letting all her frustration come out as she pulled to a stop at a red light. she ran her hands through her long hair, reaching for a cigarette.

kurt's place wasn't that far from molly's house, just enough time for her to smoke the cig and calm down. getting so worked up had made her exhausted.

molly couldn't believe kurt would leave like this. she wished that she had never taken kurt out on new years, then maybe tracy wouldn't have taken him away from her.


kurt wasn't her's to keep.

she would just have to deal with another friend leaving her. like they always did.

molly unlocked her front door and trudged inside, making her way to the steps, when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

it was like her vision had turned into a tunnel, everything else disappearing, except for the sight on the living room floor.

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