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june 8th, 1987

seattle, washington

"i can't believe you're making me do this tonight."

"well, you already agreed. no going back now."

"what exactly is the point of me going to this, andy?"

"i need a wingman."

"ask chris!"

"hey, leave me out of this," the brunette boy spoke from the couch where he sat, hair tied up, pencil and notebook in his lap.

"see!" andy said, hands in the air.

molly stood with her arms crossed, throwing a glare at her blonde friend.

"c'mon you'll have fun. when have i ever steered you wrong?"

chris snorted from the couch as molly rolled her eyes, running a hand through her now pinkish-red hair she'd done last week; unfortunately, she was unable to convince andy to dip his blonde locks in the kool-aid.

"i'm not even gonna answer that question," she said.

andy groaned, "it's just one night molly."

"a lot can happen in one night," she said softly.

they stood in silence for a minute.

"fine andy, whatever. what time are we leaving?"

a soft smile broke out on his face, "like 6:30?"

molly glanced at the clock on the wall.

her eyes widened, "jesus, i only have like two hours to get ready!"


"i can't believe you talked me into this," molly said, speeding to catch up with andy.

"you keep saying that, star. get over it," he groaned, stopping when he noticed the girl wasn't right next to him, "besides, we're here."

molly glanced up at the house, recognition flashing through her eyes.

"melinda starr's house?"

"yup. c'mon, it looks like it's already started."

andy started walking up the steps, debating for a minute whether she she run back to the car or just follow andy.

sighing, she relented.

molly lifted her patchwork skirt over her doc martens as she trudged up the steps, meeting andy at the top.

"are you winded right now?"

"shut the fuck up andy," she said catching her breath as she glared at him.

he laughed and pushed the door open, their senses immediately being overwhelmed by loud music and spilled alcohol.

the duo held each others glances for a second, andy taking the first steps in.

their eyes surveyed the room.

"i need a drink," they said in synch.

molly snapped her head over, the two's eyes meeting again.

"well let's go then," andy smiled, wrapping an arm around the shorter girls shoulders, steering them to the kitchen.

"what can i get you?" he asked molly.

"just a beer for now. i don't need to be getting wasted at seven pm."

"you got it," andy said, drifting off to the fridge.

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