01. Rejection Denied

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 01: Rejection Denied

People knew the Julius Alpha was egotistical, hard to work with. They knew what he stood for, which wasn't anything but our strongest of clan leaders. He could silence every single werewolf, every single lycanthrope in the closest vicinity. He had a pack to define his legacy, his teachings. The Julius Clan. Every member of his pack had their own personal skill set. Each one he used at his disposal, and everyone was expendable.

He was a God to everyone who believed his power was infinite, but a monster to me.

"Mate." He said, lowly. Like I was his lunch and whipping toy at the same time.

I did what any woman with red flags blaring in her head would do.

Which is why I stood in front of him, his Beta, his Gamma, his Delta and personal Enforcers in the annual clan meetings that usually spoke of issues, and coordinated solutions, where I met my doom.

I met his dark, platinum silver eyes, "I, Celestine Colton, reject the bond with Martin Julius, Alpha of the Julius Clan." The words didn't strike my heart, not like I thought they would. I never wanted a husband, a partner like him. He saw the hate on my face, the disgust. Not one of his ranks moved, not one made an expression.

It wasn't until I screamed, falling to the floor in gut-wrenching, blood-curdling pain, blinding me as I stare down at the ink bleeding out and embedding itself in my skin, on the floor in front of him as he barely moves while whatever he's doing to me shows his dominance. It wasn't the bond that was hurting me, it was him. I felt his power cut like knives into me.

Forcing me into submission.

Like a good little girl.

The ink reddened and burned into my skin as I screamed louder, against my own Alpha, against every Alpha in the room watching as Alpha Julius squats in front of me.

The pain chokes against my lungs as I roll onto my back, I couldn't breathe as he whispers with an echo against every wall of the Royal courts, "I don't accept. I will never accept."

His darkness consumed me not long after.

Two Days Later...

All men love what they know is forbidden.

Knowledge is power, what is known is sacred, documented and ruled by over centuries. Soulmates are of ancient times, as is the goddess in which formulates bonds between the werewolf species. My species. It was unfortunate for me to see mine in that conference room, the conference room I wasn't even obligated to go to, except the werewolf council meeting my employers were attending. It was custom to go. I didn't anticipate finding the eyes of the one werewolf in all lifetimes to be my bonder.

When I rejected my mate, I had done so for a very credible reason.

Being that of the fact Martin Julius was a crazy son of a bitch who loves a good dictatorship, power and merciless submissions from his subjects whenever he wished in his arrogant fucking presence.

Henceforth, the situation I am in now once he knocked me out, claiming he 'does not accept my rejection' because that's a fucking thing and that's fucking allowed. WRONG! It's not a thing, it's not credible, it shouldn't even be possible.

The rope should've snapped, that instant connection when the mind sprouts 'MINE' the instant their eyes meet. The connection to their eternal soulmate's should not still be there if one rejects the bond of another. If one calls the moon goddess wrong.

I called her out.

I said the right words. I made the right vow. He should not be able to do this.

The myths and legends of almost any cruel understanding between a long rocky road on a dark and dreary afternoon in the middle of an excruciatingly cold winter on the Julius territory coiled low in my stomach. I knew the place was like an immovable, irreversible scar against my skin. I knew it in a sickening crunch of familiarity and disturbing memory of what was to come.

Rejection on the Alpha #1Where stories live. Discover now