30. A Kingdom's Legacy

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 30: A Kingdom's Legacy

"New Queen, I'm so delighted." Nicolai's eyes are directed forward, he ignores my words, standing, staring at the picture of his father standing over him, above him and stuck to a wall like someone to bow to, even in death. My sarcasm falls on deaf ears. His sister lingers in the corner, watching us both and not even he seems to realise it after Arthur was turned away by the council who seemed to inclined to give Martin his claim to a dead throne. This place didn't hold a ruling I would have expected, especially since their rumoured stories are left six feet under with the assumption that this place turned to dust years ago.

Nicolai stares up at him, "I use to hate this man. A cunning leader with prospects to fill a role under a crown and we were heirs to him. We were never children, never the objects of life and love, but the objects to fill the void he pursued years prior."

I blink at him, "I wouldn't go excusing your behaviour on the way you were raised. A bitch is always a bitch, no matter the stripes they redecorate to hide." I mutter, wishing for alcohol before I sense the movement, the presence of elementals in the corner of my mind. Colouring something otherworldly and calling it unique here.

Calling it something to bow to.

Martin lowers his head down, pursing his lips, he faces me, "You want an apology for forcing your hand?" Is he kidding? I raise a suspicious eyebrow at him, I wondered if the nanobots kicked in yet. Each time anger rivalled in him, they would shut it down faster than a virus infects an entire planet. Sorry, that's inaccurate, it would shut down faster than a light switch turns the light off. He's shrouded in darkness most of the time, those chemical weapons Kade had me inject into him was a type of mine-controlling technology.

Pity the wolf who bares the internal collar.

Not likely. Not when it's him who wears that collar.

I study him, "Oh, I want way more." I say, Athena studies us from the shadows and the elementals staying within their boundaries.

Martin stares at me, "What did you do?" He asks me, there's a crack in his voice, he's relaxed and he hates it.

"I played by my own rules. So, this should be bloody fun, my King. First, call for that bodily sister of yours to slither from the shadows and make her peace with dear older brother." I suggest, Martin' eyes move immediately to Athena's and on instinct, he steps in front of me protectively. I almost laugh. Damn those nano's were fucking brilliant.


Athena steps forward, she heard every word, probably even put it on replay as she stares at me, "I want to speak with your mate." She initiates, gesturing to me in case there was another mate around here. See, Martin knew next to nothing about that, however, I did. And I wish terribly that I didn't, but who the hell gets to choose their date except the goddess herself, and even then.

Goddess, what a mystery.

Martin straightens, placating a gesture of calmness when he sniffs her aura like it had its own scent. He clenches his fists but moves on mindful command and I look back up to his father, suppressing the urge to wink and Koch the ugly painting for what it is, "I must comment on your antics."

Her words don't surprise me, "Comment away. I'm here for the assembly of an Order you and your younger brother object to and your look of terror when he announced my purpose of presence here was not unnoticed. You fed I may break under Nicolai's thumb. I would have." I shrug her way, being truthful now wouldn't cut my losses later. Unless they do and even then, I'm screwed either way. Might as well shed some entertainment here.

Rejection on the Alpha #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora