05. The Royal's Wrongdoings

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 5: The Royal's Wrongdoings

The better question was why was there so many books on the Darkling clan, when they are mere myths in a wind gusting from an ancient storm people no longer care about? What do they understand about the rulers of ancient times where royals once plagued our nations?

Martin's vigilant voice silences my read word for word when I close the book in my hands on the more volatile aspects of lycanthrope DNA, "Reading up on the history here, just to fact check." I say stoically, turning to face the silver-eyed creature I still have yet to fully understand. His calculative gaze softens when it grazes the book I set back on the shelf, sliding my finger down the index while that gaze moves back to me.

"I am not the same man as the Julius before me." He murmurs, like that is the problem here.

I stare at him, "Rejections are rare, almost so non-existent. I wouldn't have done it lightly if I wasn't certain this is a bond misdirected on the goddess's part. I am here against my will, and you've done nothing but prove to me there is no chemical activation between physical skin-on-skin contact to prove me otherwise, so why, Martin? Why keep a girl prisoner when she so clearly doesn't want to be?" Some of those questions were rhetorical because getting him to answer them so easily would make me question the truth in them.

He pockets his hands, "You are right, rejections are rare and yet, you, the most stubborn woman of all realms showed us all up when you felt the need to publicly shame me for being yours in the first place. My anger isn't displaced or unfair, at least in my eyes. You barely even know me and you treat me so cruelly, I am only returning the favour."

He didn't answer a single one of my questions.

He moves closer, "The doors are not locked, windows are not barred, but leaving is suicide and you of all people should know it. I did have to save you from the mere creatures you believed weren't so threatening. My beast would not have groomed you just to calm down otherwise. It is dangerous to go outside my borders and it is dangerous to believe I will let you run when I have waited years for you. You just have to open up your heart." He points to me, gesturing to us, speaking as though we are one.

How delusional he was.

"Face it, you are attracted to me?" He chuckles.

I look at him, "This isn't attraction when the bond is obviously forced, its orientation so wrong that you're believing we are right. If we are right, then why do I always want to run from you?" It was again rhetorical.

He didn't quite get that memo.

"Most girls like the chase." He shrugs, a twitch of his lips rising like a smug son of a bitch.

I shake my head at him, "Are you really so full of yourself that when a girl says 'No' to you, you mistake it for a 'Yes' then drag her across your territory because she supposedly embarrassed you at a fucking meeting between clans?" He has to be suffering a loss from reality, there has to be something to explain his delusional tendencies because I can't put a title on it.

He sighs in defeat, "You shamed me without knowing me, if the roles were reversed and you were a respected leader, do you really think I am to believe you would not retaliate? That you would allow someone to disrespect you in such a manner? Do you think you've done no wrong here?" He asks me, incredulously.

I purse my lips, "I could have handled it more discretely, but what you are doing is a criminal offense under the European Penal Code that is clearly associated with abduction by force. You should be dealt to in High Court, but No, you fury arse thinks he's above the fucking law." I perpetrate, giving him a clear as day idea of what will happen if he doesn't let me go.

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