11. Deception or Denial

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 11: Deception or Denial

Gone is the vulnerable Alpha I had before, in his place, a cold and stoic one that has an approving look in his eyes when I stand in a gemmed dress, my rustic blonde curls loosely cascading down my shoulders. He looks at me like a territory he needed to conquer now, seeing an Alpha unguarded was apparently a pleasure woman got once in a blue moon, and Martin was taking it literally as I'm forced into the small throne seat next to him, "You don't walk like a Queen should, should I insert etiquette lessons for you?" He asks me.

"You don't need to look like a Queen just to be one, clearly that is an opposite assumption for a King, however you seemed to have misplaced your crown." I mutter.

"Aren't you talkative this evening? I didn't believe I'd get a word from you, even thought you'd rub it in my face." He mentions, eyeing the rows of tables in front of him with deadly glares for yet another wasteful evening I'm here.

I side-glance him, "If only you were so important. Why make me wear this ridiculous outfit this evening?" I question him, he stares me down in a manner that says 'behave' when twin wooden doors creak open, revealing one of the professors from my old academy in a robe of some kind, black and red, he has a necklace of gold around his wrinkled neck, white beard trimmed finely short and deep brown eyes that were stern wherever they looked. I furrow my eyebrows when he enters with other men cloaked, but my stomach clenched for some odd reason. I looked through the cloaked individuals, not noticing anything as Martin stands and harshly gestures for me to do the same.

Something felt off about this moment, my old professor bows in our direction, "Alpha Martin. Alpha Celestine, we are honoured to be in your presence." Elias Cardinal. A professor of an older kind of magic, but not something he truly revealed to many.

Martin steps forward in his formal suit. "Cardinal, we welcome you. Please, join us for dinner, we should not speak so soon of the tournament only when you first arrive. Enforcers, please welcome them through." He speaks so formally it's almost like watching a robot. I sit back down, feeling light-headed and watched closely by whoever was among the robe-wearing men who came with Elias.

Martin studies them, "They are here to ensure we are both fit for the tournaments. Any female not eligible, or any male not eligible will have their clan name removed from the tournaments. I believe I discussed this with you before our bond was made." He says to me, his tone changing to something softer, like the feathers on an archangel, he made himself look fierce, not just his physical form, but his aura too.

"How long will they be here for and actually no, you did not mention anything?" I bite.

He gives me a long look, "You never listen to me. They will be here for a week, we are their last stop, before we return back to Europe for the tournaments in front of that ridiculous supernatural Council you still believe is necessary." He grits his teeth as he speaks.

"The tournament that supposedly brings mated couples closer together?" I sway, accenting my lips.

He looks at me blankly, "Because you're so open to a relationship."

"Says the imbecile who got turned on during an argument." I answer with, raising an eyebrow at his flushed form when he looks around to see we're being stared at, however, I truly did not care.

Martin's intense silver eyes penetrate my emerald green ones, I meet his head-on, not backing down, "Do you really want to play this route?" He questions in a hushed manner, before standing abruptly, grabbing my arm and ripping me forward, I grit my teeth, "Excuse us a moment." His voice echoes against a partially silent courtroom of people eating a dinner they always seem to find entertaining whenever we are around.

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