29. Darkling Throne

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 29: Darkling Throne

For nine centuries, the Darkling family possessed a type of longing for their animalistic side, hence why he's running with abusive blood, but that never is an excuse for the way he is now. Kade straighten after he inserts the serum in Reina's neck, "This should make them more susceptible to reason too, under your command." He explains to me. I find the carotid artery in Martin's neck and insert a greater dose of nano bots, increasing its potency. Once I remove it, the wound heals like no other and I remove my hands from his form.

Fingers check my cheek, "Bad?" I ask Kade.

He shakes his head, "No, but the claws of the lycanthrope can contain DNA that you don't particular want in your system. I saw what happened in the field, the tree." He knew of the old king stopping the tree from being burnt to the crisp. For being an agent under the man, the scope of his capabilities were still so vast for me.

I nudge my eyes to our unconscious company, "They still might be able to hear." I whisper.

"They won't recall the next hour, kiddo." He gives me a look of patience and wisdom while I lean against the seating of the car and take a breath, then another until I feel comfortable enough to know he's right and that Martin won't shoot awake and rip out my carotid artery in revenge. Surely he's had enough, but who knows with the span the beast has.

As I said, he had generations behind him for loathing emotion and loving power and greed like no other family I've seen. A family a realm, and Darkling took the throne like broken souls on a hill with only graveyards in sight and ghosts as pickings for undead lovers. If only he'd chosen a ghost instead of me, I'd never even wish this on my worst enemy. Sticking close to a man who consists of bipolar qualities, a hitting streak and an abundance of arrogance, not the good kind, in his system. The head on his shoulders wanted a crown, would kill for it even.

Their the winning family of a series of tournaments for centuries and that gave them a title, and rumoured powers, like teleportation, but if Martin could accent such a power, then why was it that I could too?

I look back to Kade, "A part of me wishes he would die from this." Does that make me the darker side of the moon? Does that make me the villain in this torrential life of pain and fear, but a livelihood I needed just to keep breathing too?

"It doesn't make you a bad person to wish this upon a snake." He explains to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up to a seat.

"You sacrificed Charles?" I whisper, my question hanging in the air for a long moment. He nods, staring at me.

"I'd do it again too." He explains, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pecking my hairline, he'd grown softer the time apart. I sigh and drop against him. I knew he'd must of done something to survive being overthrown by a vengeful Darkling who just can't seem to handle a rejection from me, or the kingdom who clearly banished him before he could take a place wearing a crown.

"You knew." I whisper.

Time chimes like the sad compositions of a violin and piano, it sung against my eardrums without ever truly being there. I look up at him, but his dark eyes are set on Martin, "You think you didn't almost burn down my house a few times?" He asks me, raising an eyebrow.

I stare, "Why did I stop?"

He sighs, "Because you needed too, learning what you are at the time was as dangerous as putting you out in the rain with bloodthirsty vampires and telling you to just imagine none of them had fangs." He was always not brilliant with metaphors.

"That doesn't tell me why I stopped." Stopped learning, and hence I stopped knowing what I was too young, after he took me from the orphanage—No, after he saved me from them, before placing me at the expense of Charles' games. Like those games were made to prepare me for a world no girl or boy is ever ready for until it's too late. Learn hard and fast, or not at all.

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