35. The Battle Of Three

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 35: The Battle Of Three

A legion of wolves against the winter kingdom stormed the ages of 1873. The battlefield both ground and water, soil and ice. The ruins of one massacre that aligned rare species and made others extinct. Lycanthrope are rare, and the ice king, even rarer. He was throwing off more power than the environment around us could bare, Alastair couldn't get to me the moment Martin transformed into his lycanthrope. A beast that grew two sizes with the amount of anger that ran through his blood and it's as if they returned to the day Alastair lost his younger brother, and the day Martin lost his humanity altogether.

"ENOUGH!" Athena roared when Martin swiped at Alastair like a troll tries to swipe down a mountain. Splinters of water serenaded in the air and flickered, transforming into ice before they shot through the air like silver bullets to the skin of a werewolf. Of some werewolves.

Martin spins, whacking Elias aside before he could sizzle up his own icicle. Alastair rips out two twin swords made of blue and black ice—poison. It's what gave the dark colour and for a moment, I just stared, it's all I could do as they move like old ancient warriors. Alastair slices at Martin's hairy, muscular legs, bleeding out the lycanthrope until Martin shoves his wolf head into him and slams him against the brick wall. I stared at the two of them as Elias ripples forward to slam a fist into Martin's back.

It lands.

The crack of a rib makes me wince and suddenly, before I could conjure enough power in my veins to do something, to blast a fireball between them...each one of them scream. Their minds, thoughts, bodies—taken over by the static screams of men, women and children. I felt it faintly. Athena's abilities were vast. I could see her down three powerful men in seconds.

Almost made me drool at the sight of it.

Before the licking of envy kicks in and soldiers come storming in like teachers against a school playground with bad boys and screeching hot girls seeing which one would survive and calling them 'survival of the fittest'. Which was probably a more simpler way of choosing a mate. Whichever one fought for the longest and survived for reproduction got the girl and bang-a-dang, babe's on its way.

Yeah, never-mind, that sounds more vulgar than my fucked up, complicated situation.

Martin clicks his rib back into place, spinning before those eyes capture to me and he walks closer with each thump. Like he'd returned back to this time. He moves around me and sits, lowering tree trunk arms on either side of me, a stinky breath huffing above me. Alastair shoves one of his guards away and the remaining elders move closer. Elias and Alastair stare between me and the gigantic animal above me.

Athena steps forward, "Well, that was useless. You all fought like toddlers, and the brains of even more underdeveloped beings. Guards, escort them to the castle, the Queen and myself will deal with other matters, off you go." She orders, moving toward me after eyeing her brother above me, he shifts and his naked form kneeled in front of me has me looking away.

He stands with a cloak draped over him and he reaches for me, "You knew he was here."

I glance up into silver irises, "Does that matter? I'm not the one he hates."

He dances a dirty fingers along my cheek, "He's been amongst the elders all this time? You knew, but you didn't know we had history. History he's still holding a grudge on." He murmurs, caressing the tender skin at the apple of my cheek. I tilt my head away while Athena narrows her eyes at us.

"We need to get to the room immediately, Celestine." She orders, I furrow my eyebrows at her urgency but it forces Martin to let go of me, with a last, longing look sent my way that lingers in the heated air, he moves from sight and sound.

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