The Moon Festival

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On deck..

Your POV Still

"LaLuna Island isn't much further. We'll be there in about 5 minutes." Nami says looking at her map. "There's a village near by called Lillica that should have supplies we can stalk up on. Let's hope they're friendly this time."

"Is there an art shop? I need more sketch books and paints." You ask as you finally join the rest of your friends, Zoro still 'missing'.

"Most likely." Nami smiles and stops. She stares at you, which causes the others to glance back to see why she stopped taking.

"What? What is it? Oh my god it's not a bug is it? Where!? You start swatting at the air around you.

"No, it's not a bug." Nami points, "On your neck. You've got a bruise." Shit. You completely forgot that Zoro had left a hickey from earlier. Covering the 'bruise' your face turns a little pink.

"Oh this? Heh, it's nothing. Just not paying attention to where I was going. Must've ran into something." You say in a nervous tone.

"Oh I think it's more than a bruise!!" Sanji teased as he notice Zoro casually walking out from the same direction you just came in.

"How 'bout you mind your own business Dart Brow before I shove your nose up your ass." Zoro says as he stands behind you.

"You make it my business when you leave your dirty work to be seen by others." Sanji sneers.

"I assure you, I've no idea what you're talking about." Zoro grins and chuckles.

"Don't start that smart ass tone of yours!" Aggravated Sanji heads in your direction looking to start a fight with Zoro, yet again. Robin interrupts,

"If I recall correctly today's the start of the Moon Festival. In *ancient times it was though that the cycle of the moon was connected to the menstrual cycle of women. So every year when the moon was largest in the sky men would sacrifice a virgin to their goddess *Selene in hopes that women of the island would bear the fruits of their seeds. In other word, their children." Sanji snaps his head around at Robin and his jaw drops. She continues, "Now the natives just celebrate the tradition in a three day festival consisting of food, drinks, and games."

"I love games!" You say with a cheerful smile, mentally thanking Robin for taking the attention off of you. "What are we waiting for?"

"FOOOOOOOOOOD!" Could be heard from Luffy's direction as he lunges off the boat and makes a beeline for the village.

"Well it looks like Luffy's wasting no time getting there." Nami says in an annoyed voice. "Before anyone else leaves this boat we need to dock properly. So get to work!"

A little while later..

The streets of Lillica were packed full of people, gaming booths, and blue and white decorations of the Moon Goddess Selene. Everywhere you looked people were stuffing their faces full of food and drink or winning prizes from the game booths. You happily laugh to yourself, as you look over all the art supplies in your bag that you manage to get a great deal on. The clerk at the store seemed to be extra cheery as you walked out, for some reason. Maybe it's the festival. Everyone seems to be in a great mood.

Remembering the amulet that the art clerk gave you for free, you pull it out of your pocket and examine the carvings. You run your thumb over the shape of a female face that seems to be imprinted in the moon. That must be Selene. you thought to yourself. Thinking back to what the clerk said, I've been waiting to give this amulet to an extra special client. I see you are deserving of such an honor. Please take this as a token of our transaction. Not quite understanding what he meant, and a little creeped out by it, you shrug and put it on.

Looking around for your friends you stumble across this mysterious booth. The artistic rendition of Selene overhead catches your eye and you decide to investigate. Getting a little closer you notice the words Fortune Teller below Selene. A man comes out of the booth covered head to toe in blue robes. The only visible body part you were able to see were his deep blue eyes where the slits of his robe opened up.

"Please do come in." He gestures to the entrance, "I offer free reading for you, today only, young lady." He says and walks in. Captivated by his piercing eyes you decide to follow. I've never had a reading before. You sit down on a comfy cushion, examining the candle lit room you see beautiful embroidery drapes with the phases of the moon all around. You take your bag off and sit it beside the entrance. "Your hand please." He holds his out palm up. "Like this."

"What do you need my hand for?" You ask out of curiousness.

"This is a reading, no? I shall need your hand you see, for I read palms." He had a very peculiar accent which drew your attention ever more.

"Oh sure yeah, sorry." You say out of embarrassment and hand him your right hand. You notice his eyes were fixated on your amulet the entire time, "Like it?" You ask. "A kind man gave it to me. Said 'he's been waiting for an extra special client' to give this to, and gave it to me." You said with a smile.

"Extra special indeed." The robed man said. Looking down at your hand he examines your palm very carefully, tracing the natural curves and creases with his finger he speaks up, "You are (y/n), an aspiring artist driven to travel the world to sketch and paint what you see." How on earth did he know my name? I never told him. Your mouth drops and he continues, "A virgin I see.." His voice drops an octave which makes you uncomfortable, "Ah.. How sweet, you're in love."

"I'm not in love!" You protest. The man looks up at you and in a serious tone,

"The. Palm. Never. Lies." As he speaks each word you feel your stomach tightening in a knot. "In love with a muscular man no doubt. A swordsman I see." Starting to tremble with every word that comes out of his mouth you feel as if this strange man is peering into your soul, fabric of time and space ceases to exist. "It's too bad though," he snaps you to attention, "Too bad you will never see your love again."

As he utters those horrible words a large hand covers your mouth. You inhale the strong sent of chloroform. Which slowly renders you motionless. Your eyelids feel heavy and the urge to fight back subsides as you pass out into a deep slumber.

(A/N) Shit just got real!
Anyway I did a little research before writing the chapter,

*Ancient times: What Robin said in the chapter about the phases of the moon being thought to have been related to the menstrual cycle is actually true.

*Selene: is the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. Similar to her brother Helios (sun god) who drives his chariot across the sky each day to bring on the sun, Selene does the same only to bring the moon.

--->There have been ancient peoples who did sacrifice virgins to their gods, however sacrificing to Selene so the women can "bear fruits" was entirely made up by myself. I just put two and two together (the cycle of the moon and women, and Selene) to make for an interesting plot! (Also to tie in the the name of the book "Forbidden Fruits")

Hope you enjoyed. Wait and see what happens next. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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