It Starts With A Smile

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(y/n): Your Name, (f/c): Favorite Color
(h/c): Hair Color (e/c) Eye Color

It had only been a few months now since you joined the Straw Hat pirates, your sketch book nearly filled with drawings of your ship mates, the Going Merry, and random creatures you've seen along the way.

"I need to get more art supplies next time we dock." You say to yourself cheerfully as you were filling a page in your book of a bird with the most brilliant shade of (f/c) feathers.

"Oh (y/n) my sweet! Your artwork is as beautiful as you are!" Sanji could be heard as he approached you. "You are an artist on canvas, while I myself am an artist in the culinary arts. We should sail away over the sunset sharing our love of the arts together!" Sanji sang as he twirled around with hearts in his eyes.

"Hey dart brow, leave the poor girl alone." A deep voice could be heard from the usual spot Zoro takes his nap in. "Can't you see you're distracting her?" Zoro scowled with one eye partially open.

"Piss off moss head, unless you want to get your ass kicked today. Then it would be my pleasure!"

"Bring it on blondie!"

Zoro and Sanji clashed steel and leg. Swinging and dodging at one another, the commotion was loud enough it scared the bird away you were in the middle of sketching. Angrily you shouted,

"Way to go jerks! Now you ruined my masterpiece!" You threw your shoe in their direction.

"MEEEEEEEAT!" Luffy screamed as he ran around the corner, catching a shoe in the face. Noticing it came from your direction, "(y/n)!" He screamed with glee and tackled you, putting you in a inescapable headlock.

"Aieeeecnnnntbreeeeeeth." You desperately manage to gasp out.

"Knock it off Luffy!" Nami yelled and punched him in the face... like she usually does. Releasing his grip of you.

"Whew, thanks a ton Nami!" You smiled and looked up at her.

"No problem." She winks, "Us girls gotta look out for each other am I right?"

"NAMIIIII! You look rather ravishing as always!" Sanji sang out walking away from the fight he was in with Zoro.

"Bastard we're not finished!" Zoro growled. You thought to yourself, why do they fight all the damn time?

"MEEEEEAT! Sanji I want meat!" Luffy, totally unfazed by getting hit sits up and throws his hands up in the air.

"Coming right up boss." Sanji declared, totally disregarding Zoro's demand to continue their fight. Within a minuet the area on deck cleared out. All but two. You and Zoro.

"Here." Zoro gently said as he handed your shoe back to you. His tall muscular body seemed to dwarf yours, never noticing it before. You could see the outline of every individual muscle hidden behind his shirt and pants. Leaving very little to the imagination.

"Uhh.." Was all you could utter as you focused on his body.

"See something you like?" Zoro smirked as he noticed you eyeing him. "There's more where that came from." His voice dropped to a husky whisper. Your heart pounded in your chest and your skin turned 50 shades of red.

"I-I ah... w-wait. N-no it's not what you think! Ahem, I simply was thinking of the delicious m-meat I'll be e-eating tonight!" You managed to stutter. He burst out into laughter, snapping your gaze up to his face.

"I'm only messing with you (y/n)." He smiled down at you which made your your heart throb. "Well, I'm going to go get some sake before dinner. See ya around." He turned and walked away. Clenching your chest,

"What on earth was that..." Heart still throbbing.

(A/N) hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter. There will be more to come. Comment and vote and tell me what you're thoughts are!

Forbidden Fruits. (One Piece: Zoro x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora