13. My Father & I.

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Chapter 13 –"My Father & I"

Perfect - Alanis Morissette

Spencer's POV

"So you're going to actually tell them?"

I shifted uncomfortably on my bed. Just thinking about it made me horribly uneasy, "Yeah."

"When?" Karla asked from the other side of the line, no doubt sitting Indian styled on her Queen sized mattress as well.


I could feel her shiver from the other line, "Can't you wait until after Prom? You don't know how they'll take the news."

I sighed, "I know, but I talked to Kai yesterday and he said that it would be best to do it before going to Prom since they don't want to ruin any pictures."

She chuckled, "I see." There was a momentary pause, "Where is Kai?

"Back in college...for the time being anyways. The kid s so unpredictable it's hard to tell what he's going to do next."

"Trust me," she huffed, "I know. Justin can't seem to decide on either doing rocket science for NASA or fry-cooking for Denny's."

I snickered, "So, I guess we're the only level headed children in our bizarre families."

"Agreed." There was a yell on the other line and she groaned, "Speaking of the bizarre ones; Mom's calling me."

I laughed again, "Be strong and call me if you make it out alive."

"Don't count it." She grumbled before the line went dead. I shook my head, and ended the call. I sighed and looked around my room.

It was a Saturday, sunny at that and there was seriously nothing to do. Ethan was studying hard for the Biology exam he was set to have on Monday and because (as usual) he didn't listen to me and studied a week in advance, he had a little over six chapters to properly study for; so, all in all, he was basically screwed and destined to fail.

As much as I liked being right and shoving it in his face with these things, I was a little upset over it. Everyone was busy and I was all alone for the day.

As soon as I fell backwards onto my bed, deciding to just stay curled up in my sheets all day, there was a loud knock at the door quickly followed by dad's voice."Spencer?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Yes, Sir?"

There was an abrupt moment of silence. He probably sensed the trace of spite in my respectful response, "Are you decent?" he asked, "Can I come in?"

"I am." The door opened and in he walked. My eyes flew to him and more so his odd choice in attire. The blue overalls was less than flattering and the tall black boots and round hat that hid a quarter of his face didn't exactly help. I snorted, almost laughing, "You reek of fish."

He rolled his eyes and entered the room fully, shutting the door behind him, "Funny. I'm going fishing." He said, sitting at the edge of my bed.

I groaned immediately, "Why do I feel as though I'm involved in this somehow."

"You are coming with me."

"As much as I like the fresh smell of sea water in the morning and the warm feeling I get when crushed bait guts are in my hand, I think I'm going to pass on this one."

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