26. zGoodbye!

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Chapter 26 "zGoodbye!"

Goodbye Stranger – Supertramp

Spencer's POV

It was an early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn

And I really have enjoyed my stay, but I must be moving on

Like a king without a castle, like a queen without a throne

I'm an early morning lover, and I must be moving on

It was snowing.

Which was weird, because the weatherman swore up and down the night before that it would have let up by now. He even stuck smiley sun faces on his little display board to illustrate his point. He was probably chased out of time a la Fairly Odd Parents by now.

If this was any other time of the year, I would've been included in the mob. Hell, I'd buy the pitch forks and print out the get out of town signs, as well as bring the matches for the torches, but the unpredictability of nature was something that I actually welcomed today. And for someone who loathed changed (more now than ever), it was sort of strange; even for me.

It was because everything seemed to be chugging forward like clockwork; on time and not a second later. My bags were packed and things were shipped four days ago as they were supposed to, our things landed in NYC not a minute after they were supposed to, our plain tickets were booked, our home in NYC was nice and ready for someone to inhabit it. Everything ran smoothly; right down to the grandfather clock being placed in the new dining room.

I was leaving and there wasn't a single doubt anymore.

So, the smell of rain and snow mixing with the scent of the coffee sitting on the dresser was something I liked because they mixed so well together in the strangest of ways. The snow smelt of rain and unexpectedness, and the coffee drenched the room with thespellbinding scent of hot coffee beans, natural honey, sweetened sugar and bitter finality. It's hard to think about what that combination would taste like or if I would like it at all but, at least something changed; at least something wasn't going according to plan today.

Unfortunately, the snow falling outside wasn't stopping any shows. After all, it wasn't storming and even then I doubted that anything would have been halted. I had hoped it so; I hoped that the little bits of frozen water falling from the sky would turn into boulders from mountains and rain down in a cinematic kind of fashion on our town if it would have just allowed me to stay just one more night; even without power. But that was just selfish wishful thinking. And that was three days ago when the snow started. By now, I was fully prepared to go.

My fingers traced the glass of the window as bits of the snow hit the window and turned into water. It had been a very cold night and in more ways than one. Luckily, Ethan's room had always been the warmest of the house... in more ways than one.

Speaking of the younger, he had been the bathroom for a good forty minutes now; and even though he tried to preempt my worrying by explaining that he was going to take a long bath today, to you know, smell nice for my departure, I knew that he went in there to sulk under some hot water. I would've thought that he would've grown enough for him to know that he could express all his emotions in front of me. We've been doing it for the past few weeks, but I guess being today made things a lot different. A Game Changer.

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