27. Anything Can Happen - Epilogue

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Just Friends 2 debuts DEC.24.2014.

It's been such a nice ride, such a simple love story, one that I wanted to be realistic and over-the-top and it's funny because it was and it was great writing it for an entire year and watching my writing and characters (my children) evolve (grow). This story was about life and love and how something so simple can become so complex and messy, and sometimes it doesn't work out, but sometimes it does. That's the message. And that's the thing I want you to take away from this. Life doesn't and isn't going to always work out for us, but then again, it might.

This is probably going to my personal magnum opus and I'm okay with that. Thank you for reading and thank you for just taking time out of what you're doing to.

Epilogue "Anything Can Happen"

All About Your Heart - Mindy Gledhill

Spencer's POV

12, 13, 14, 15, 16

There was the distinctive aroma in the air; one that smelled of irrational panic, used needles, and cough drop medicine.

Doctors and nurses in white were rushing up and down the hallway, people – some moaning and groaning – sat in wheelchairs holding whatever part of their bodies were aching. It was safe to say that of all the nights to be in a hospital, the day after the 4th of July was clearly the worst.

Everyone who participated in bar fights, climbing the side of buildings or skating on sketchy self-made ramps were here; all in the sake of America's birthday. So my visible contempt, breathy scoffs and scowls and just my general huffy-puffiness was absolutely justified (in my mind at least) because hospitals were like the back door to hell.

So when I got the call that she went into labor on this of all days, I was upset – I was furious! I dare her and that fetus of hers drag me from the billions upon billions of business type work to come to this hospital half way across town? Was there no decorum or respect for others anymore? So what if today was her due date? Couldn't it at least wait a day or two?

23, 24, 25, 26, 27

"Will you slow the hell down?"

"No." I bit back, bypassing the clerk at the front desk and ignoring her calls to get me back to her; she was too lazy to get up and stop me anyway.

"Do you even know where you're going?"

"Yes." I grumbled, scanning the room doors for the correct number while trying not to knock over some fool attached to an IV. "Why can't these people just sit down in their beds and enjoy the free television and jello?" I bit, more so to myself but that didn't stop Emilio from answering because he's annoying like that.

"Because sitting in a hospital bed for hours on hours is boring as hell." He responded – one that wasn't requested or needed. "Remember when I broke my left pinky and had to come?"

"Don't remind me." I said, rolling my eyes. Emilio had shattered what bones were in his pinky while he was trying to skateboard and had to be sent to the hospital where he stayed and I (reluctantly) visited. "If you didn't try and 'recapture your glory days' that would've never happened."

"Can you blame me?" he chuckled; raspy because he was slow as hell and was trying to keep pace with me as we finally made it into the maternity section. "I was a bad ass skater in high school."

"Yeah, that was four years ago." 44, 45, 46, 47 "And quite frankly, peaking in high school isn't anything to brag about."

"Hey," he shot defensively, "we're both doing the same lame ass job at Lemon & Knope."

Just Friends  [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora