23. Wayward Spencer & The Apocalyptic Dinner Battle Royale

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[VOTE & COMMENT because that title was so last minute it's not even funny.]

Just a note: Flashback is in italics.

Chapter 23 "Wayward Spencer & The Apocalyptic Dinner Battle Royale"

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC

Spencer's POV

"I can't believe Mrs. Harper just sprung that pop quiz on me like that!" Ethan boomed, aggressively ripping into his cheese and ham sandwich that he haphazardly threw together this morning because (once again) he woke up late. "I mean," he continued with his mouth full, "who does she think she is!?" he spat – literally. I was sure pieces of bread and crunched up ham bits landed in Joseph Taylor's 50% soy milk on the other side of the classroom.

"First of all," I mumbled, just barely paying attention to his rant because I decided to scribble incoherently in the back of my notebook, "It's not a pop quiz if you get a two week notice, secondly, she's the teacher so she's allowed to do that and lastly, can you stop eating and screaming at once? You're getting your germs everywhere."

"Hey," he said/choked, placing the sandwich on his black and white book once he noticed that he had misplaced the container. "I'm just saying. She could have had some respect." He growled, swallowing whatever was left in his mouth. "It's my birth-week."

"For the hundredth time this week, eightieth time today and fourteenth time this past hour, despite what Victorious told you, there is no such thing as a birth-week and secondly, maybe if you'd put in some work once and a while, you wouldn't have probably failed that test – not quiz – that we just took."

He growled. "Well, first of all Mr. Know-It All, there is no difference between a test and a quiz and if I didn't study, then how do you explain me being in AP Biology?"

"Please," I snorted, "Mrs. Harper has the hots for you. She probably switched all of your wrong answers and recommended you so she could catch a glimpse of your low V-neck T-shirts." I remarked, only half joking. "It's a wonder she hasn't jumped your bones yet."

"Probably because it's a felony."

"Stay out of this, Mathew." I growled, not even caring enough to look back at him. Of all the classes that Mathew irritated me the most in (and there were a few), Spanish had to be worst because it was the only class than he, Ethan and I all shared together. And to make matters worse, he sat behind us near the center of the room.

"There you go again, being bossy." Ethan responded, folding his arms across his chest.

"Eat your sandwich, Ethan." I muttered and a harsh gust of air flew out of his nostrils in response.

"I'm going to get a sprite." He announced and propped up from his seat next to me. But it didn't stay vacated for long. Mathew took it upon himself to sit his behind down next to me and as hard as I tried to ignore him, that smug smirk that I saw at the corner of my eyes was too annoying to be physically ignored.

I sighed. "What do you want, Mathew."

He shrugged. "Nada, Senor Spencer."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not in the mood for speaking a foreign language, Mathew."

He furrowed his brows but kept the smirk. "¿Por qué? Esta es la clase de español?"

"Class hasn't started yet, now has it?"

He shrugged. "La práctica hace perfecto."

I tried to ignore him again but he kept that stupid smirk with those dead eyes on me and it literally felt like he was clawing my eyes out.

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