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Since he'd revealed himself, Brahms hadn't cooked, which means neither of them had a warm decent meal. She was so hungry so she decided to finally confront him, wheeling out of his room ready to look for him but finding him right outside the door. He tilts his head curiously "where are you going...?" He asks cutely.
"Brahms, we can't eat sandwiches all the time it's not good for me or you..." she says and he looks nonchalant, "you wanna stay big and strong right?" He plays with the ends of his sleeves and nods. 'Then we need a hot meal."
'Then you make it" he says and her blood boils "I can't! I don't know how and I don't have to do everything Brahms, I struggle making you sandwiches!" Brahms jolts when she yells and she felt bad, Ashley goes to apologise but he runs off before she can. "Great..."

Thinking she was completely alone after having upset Brahms, she attempted to take herself to the bathroom to wash herself, she'd kill to have a nice long relaxing bath but she knew she'd need help getting in and out so she just washes in the sink with a sad sigh. Sad? Was she upset by the lack of that man? He, he was practically holding her hostage! He was a murderer.

She dresses again and ties her hair up in a messy bun, her bangs in her face and she steps out of her bathroom to find Brahms ready to knock. "You didn't watch did you?" He shakes his head and she smiles "good boy....' both their stomachs flutter slightly at the praise. "I'm sorry for yelling...." he doesn't answer for a minute before pulling her in a hug, she smiles a little and and rests her cheek on his chest "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that..."
"It's okay Ashley..." he pulls away and holds her tiny hand " come on..." he picks her up princess style. She gasps and hugs around his muscular neck "Brahms!" She giggles a little and his heart melted. He carries her downstairs and sets her down on the floor. "What are we making?" He points to an open recipe book for lasagna.
"Oh boy...." she sighs "um isn't it hard?" He shakes his head and starts showing her what to do. At some point, Brahms comes behind her wrapping his arms around her and guiding her hands, subtly hugging her and letting out a shaky breath. Ashley blushes from the contact and follows his guidance smiling as they make it. "Thank you Brahms..."She grins but tears up, she never got to do fun stuff like this as a kid. She leans back against his chest smiling and making the food before putting it in the oven. It was so hard to remember he was some crazy murderer and she was trapped in his home, especially when he was like this. "I did it Brahms." She smiles up at him but he doesn't let go of her. Instead holds her hand tightly and stares down into her eyes with his own. "U-um... Brahms?" He was breathing heavily and she blushes hard realising his eyes were no longer on her own and gently pushes him away shyly getting embarrassed. His hands draw themselves away and down to his sides shyly. She rubs his arm "I-I'm Sorry Brahms.... um, could you wake me up when food is ready please? I'm gonna nap." He nods and scoops her up taking her to her room and tucking her in making her blush hard, but she blushes harder when his porcelain lips push against her forehead. "Sleep tight Ashley." He mumbles in his kid voice making her smile nervously "see ya Brahmsy."

Ashley wakes, a small weight on her chest and a deep, warm voice, Brahms' voice, cooing her awake gently. "Honey, Emily needs you..."
"Hm? Who...?" She groans softly waking slowly and seeing the most adorable baby girl laying on her chest, curly Chestnut hair, only thin as she was so young. "W-we have a..." she looks over and her eyes widen seeing such a handsome bearded man "Brahms?" She gasps and looks back at the baby. She sits up cuddling the baby and looking at him in shock "I-is it yours?" She asks gently cupping his cheek and he nods. She tears up smiling at the baby
"They told me I couldn't have children..."

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