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"Get your miserable ass up." She slurs and sits beside Ashley, "I see how miserable you are, I have just the thing." She grins drunkly at her tear stained sister.

Ashley has been forced into her wheelchair, she made no protest as she was wheeled down the stairs haphazardly, making Brahms tense in fear, Evangeline was drunk was so close to just dropping her down the stairs. The trip down was bumpy and rough, but eventually they got down without getting hurt, the drunk sister giggling and running off, she returned with two men being dragged, one was as drunk as her, the man she'd been coming back with for the whole week, the other man had longer hair that covered his face, he was a little drunk but only because they forced him, he was clearly awkward and uncomfortable.
"You're sad because you're a stupid virgin! You need some dick Ash." Her sister giggles and pushes the awkward boy at her.
"Oh dear." He whimpers out slightly.

Soon they were in the living room, Ashley had made an effort to talk to the boy, Rich, he was cousins with the man Evangeline had had around, at first he was decent, talking about himself and asking about her though she didn't have much to say, however soon the drunk couple pressure him to drink more and more, soon getting touchy, not too much but, he would keep touching her hair, shoulders and occasionally knees.

Brahms blood boiled in the walls, the only thing that kept him from bursting out and killing that man was the obvious fact that Ashley wasn't enjoying this, but was trying to humour the guests and be polite. For once, Evangeline noticed her sisters discomfort and actually made an effort to help.
"I'll call you guys a cab. It's late." She sighs, the man who'd been feverishly kissing her neck and collar bone pulls away, "Aw, come on baby, it was just getting fun."
"I said it's late." She stands and looks annoyed at her sister who simply drops her head sadly, the younger man Rich then grabs her hand and kisses the back of it firm and sloppy, Ashley could only be thankful it wasn't her lips, she didn't want her first kiss stolen by a drunk man. The two men groan as they're pushed from the house, Evangeline locks the door and growls, storming off to her room. Brahms watches puzzled as she does so, she'd defended her sister, actually cared for her, then counteracted it by leaving her in the dark downstairs.

He watched eagerly behind the walls, he couldn't help her until she fell asleep, unless, he could convince her she already had. That would be impossible, surely. He thinks and thinks till suddenly he gets an idea, calling the living room phone and watching as she startled at the noise of it, lifting it.
"Hello?" She calls softly "Ashley May-weather speaking." He lets out a shaky breath at how close her voice was, he had to concentrate on using his child voice.
"Ashley." He says gently, drawing a gasp from her lips.
"Brahms?!" She says excitedly, making him smile and his heart race.
"Wake up Ashley." He tells her.
"I-I don't understand... I'm asleep? This is just a dream..." her voice was laced with disappointment, she wasn't actually talking to him, of course not. He hangs up suddenly, hating how her face contorts in melancholy. He emerges from the walls and steadily makes his way to the living room, her back turned to him, beautiful strawberry blonde hair tickling the back of her neck, he slowly comes round to her so she could see, her face lighting up again.
"Brahms!" She reaches forward and hugs him from the wheelchair, her face dangerously low but he ignored it, loving how happy she was to see him. "I am dreaming then..." she asks sadly and looks up at the tall hairy man who only silently nods. Before she could say anything else, he scooped her up effortlessly, holding her up in the air bridal style, her arms go around his strong neck instantly for support as a yelp escapes her lip.
"Oh Brahms~" A shiver runs down his spine at the sound, erotic to his ears though it was meant innocently. She looks down at how high she is, how his arms carefully hold her legs, making sure to hold above her skirt, such a gentleman. "You're so strong." She giggles as he carries her through the house, "I can't believe my imagination made someone so handsome." She says softly, tiredness evident in her voice as she strokes a finger over the cracked cheek of his mask making him blush hard. Brahms chews his lip and keeps walking her to his room, that's when she leans up and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek before snuggling against his shoulder "Goodnight Brahms..." she hums and falls asleep against his warm body, he didn't smell this time, he did when he met Greta, but whilst the house was absent he didn't have to worry about people hearing him wash. He blushes hard and even lets out a shaky breath at the affection, once Evangeline was gone, he could go back to how it was before, where he could take care of her secretly and visit her in the night. He wished for more, he wished he could see her in the day, take care of her properly, hold her and kiss her. He sighs and lays her in the bed, pressing his masked lips to her forehead again, his eyes drop to her lips and linger, it will be better when she's awake...

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