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Brahms watched as the girl fell asleep in his bed, sure a girl had slept in his bed before, but not so casually, it took weeks of almost training Greta to get her to that point. Once she was definitely deep in sleep, he removed himself from the wall, walking towards her, kneeling down beside her, he was definitely to keep her, her sister had to go, but not so soon. His burnt hand came forward, stroking her hair from her forehead, then stroking the hair, tilting his head.

In the morning, he crept back in, her sister hadn't returned last night, or this morning, so he took the doll of him, changing his clothes and bringing him downstairs with him. He remembered Ashley saying she was hungry but couldn't go downstairs, so he made her a sandwich, his new favourite after being shown it from Greta, peanut butter and jam, he sure hoped she wasn't allergic, he made it then made himself one. Eating it quickly while writing her a note, bringing all items upstairs to his room, placing them all in their places before the door and knocking.
"Ashley." He called out, using his child voice before scurrying back into the walls, watching her reaction.

Ashley woke up, the sound of a childish voice and knocking on the door waking her, seeing the Brahms doll missing, she stands, walking cautiously to the door, opening it to reveal a peanut butter and jam sandwich and note, similar to the other hand writing on the list of rules, along with a Brahms now wearing different clothing.
"Ashley, I knew you were hungry, but I wasn't sure what you liked so I made you my favourite, I hope you like it. Love B.H
P.s. I don't think you are fat, you are beautiful."
The note wasn't what scared her the most, no, what really scared her was the fact that Brahms had seemingly moved himself, dressed himself, and written a cute little, flattering note to her. She warily bent over, picking up the doll and plate of sandwich.
"T-thank you Brahms, that was very kind of you." She told the doll, placing him against the headboard and munching into the sandwich. Despite it being aimed towards the doll of himself,he blushed at the praise, Greta never praised him. Once she was done eating the sandwich, she looked around, noticing the room had more items now, her crutches lean against the wall, shelves now filled with a ton of different genre books, her luggage had been moved into the room too.
"Was this you?" She didn't know why she expected any answer, but was disappointed to not receive any response. "Thank you Brahms." She picked up the doll again, hugging it close to her. She moved over to her crutches, holding them and begining to move a bit easier, walking around the top floor, seeing a painting of a boy and his family, the boy was definitely Brahms, was he a real boy once? Is that why he can move, is he a ghost now? She hobbles further along, seeing an attic nailed shut.
"Weird..." The front door slams shut, indicating Angy was home, she quickly hurried back to the room, hiding the crutches under the bed and pretending to read a book. Her sister stumbles up the stairs, slamming Ashley's door open.
"Listen here little Brat." She is 22, "I have a hangover, I swear if I hear anything from you, your arm might not be so straight anymore understand?" She was threatening to either break or just sprain her arm, how loving, she nods not daring to look up. Angy slams the door again, groaning at the sound as she stumbles to Brahms parents old room, she is not mummy and she is certainly not daddy. She definitely had to go eventually. While she slept, and he was sure Ashley was busy reading he formed a plan, he didn't want to ruin his parents room, so he picked up the horrid girl, taking her into his parents bathroom suit, dropping her in the bath, now for the rats, sure he'd done it before, but it was relatively effective, and there was no way she could blame her bed bound sister. He drained the rats of their blood, pouring it slowly into the sisters bath, making sure to get it in her hair and clothes, the warm blood not waking her, then he painted the wall, "Get out!" "Bully!" "Not welcome!" Then he used the leftover bodies to fill her suitcases, ruining her clothes. Now to wait, he crawled back into the walls, going back to his Ashley, she was reading out loud in that beautiful voice of hers, and it was one of his favourites! It was a shame he'd missed it but it was for a good reason. Suddenly out if no where there was a blood curdling scream, Ashley let out a yelp, dropping the book and calling to her sister.
"Where'd all this blood come from!? Oh my god! Oh my god!" That only scared and confused the younger sister more, blood? She could here vomiting from the bathroom making Brahms smile, it had worked better than he hoped. After she showered all the blood away and threw up some more, she made her way to Ashley, furious.
"How did you do it!? You don't even have your crutches! Why did you do it!?"
"Do what?" She asked innocently, clutching the doll harder from fear.
"Why did you put me in the bath and cover me in blood!? Why did you put rat bodies all over all of my clothes!?"
"I didn't do any of them."
"Liar!" She screams, grabbing Ashley's hand, threatening obviously to sprain or break her wrist.
" I swear,weird things have been happening to me too! Not that bad, but something brought me a sandwich and brought up my clothes from down stairs and filled the room with these books. Something moved and dressed this doll and I think it may be the little boys spirit!" The sister stopped, had this pathetic little thing she'd been forced to care for finally gone insane? But then how would she have brought all this stuff up, and without crutches how would she go to her sister, let alone lift her and move her to the bath. She stormed out, what would she wear? And she would have to rid of those rats too. Disgusting!

Ashley smiled weekly looking down, talking to no one in particular except what she believed was a spirit.
"Thank you Brahms."

Word count 1103.

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