24 (smut)

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// nothing extremely important happens in his chapter so if you want to skip don't worry you can.

Brahms was getting better, which obviously relieved Ashley, but she needed relief of another kind. She had left him to sleep in his own bed in the secret room in the walls. So now she could have private time.

Ashley remembered the first time she had explored her own body, she had caught her sister watching one of those slasher movies, a big strong man in a mask chasing down a girl and grabbing her. Ashley had been entranced by the sight before her sister growled and pushed her back into her own room.
"Leave me alone weirdo!" Ashley got out of her wheelchair onto her bed, unable to ignore the heat between her thighs.

Ashley smirks as she pulls off her underwear remembering that time. She pulls the blanket over her bottom half as she begins to rub at herself, that movie, the man in it was so similar to Brahms, that must be where her little crush came from. She holds her breath as she remembers her dream of Brahms, and remembering how heated their kiss got.
"Oh Brahms..." She moans softly. The reason she had become so frustrated recently was because Brahms' sexual attraction to her had become a lot more obvious. Whether it be accidentally brushing a hand over her breast, or sneakily trying to grab her ass as they kiss, or when she had to bend down or reach for something or just accidentally groaned, and he'd get that hungry look in his eye, obviously accompanied with heavy breathing and a tent in his pants he would try his best to hide. Another time, she'd woken in the night to pressure on her legs, and the sound of restrained groans, looking behind her to see Brahms cuddling her with her thigh planted between his as he humped like he was in heat. Stopping and apologising with embarrassment when he was caught. Ashley smiles and moans at the thought, soon they could, just like she promised.

In his secret room, Brahms couldn't stop thinking about Ashley, her soft plump body, how sweet she was to him, how amazing it looked and felt to have her on his lap, kissing him. He groans softly pushing against the doll he had made. He had started exploring himself differently as a teen, some boys from the nearby town had hidden there magazines deep in the woods. He had found them and snuck them back home. He didn't need magazines now, in fact, he didn't need his hand, or this doll, no he needed her.

Ashley was so lost in pleasure she didn't even hear the sound of her door creaking open. She didn't even realise he had entered the room until she felt him tear the blanket away. She gasps her eyes snapping open before seeing him.
"B-Brahms!" He was on top of her in a second, pulling his mask off and kissing her roughly making her blush hard, her hands gripping at his shoulders.
"Need you. Now." He growls a little spreading her legs.
'"B-Brahms do you know what you're doing?" He nods "Are you sure?" He nods beginning to kiss at her neck.
"Read a book." He hums pinning her arms up.
"Okay okay honey, listen... there are certain things you have to do, to make it good for both of us..."
"I'll be good I promise. Please..." Ashley wanted him badly. She nods and sits up, pulling off her dress and throwing it down. "I'm sure you've spied on me before..." She blushes hard as she only had a bra on. Despite seeing her before his eyes widened, it was different when she was so close to him, he quickly undressed himself before just staring nervously. Ashley giggles and grabs his hand slowly putting it on her breast and biting her lip.
"Those books don't know everything Brahms, women can feel pleasure in a lot of different ways, like this...." He eagerly massages and squeezes her breast before she interferes again.
"Start off slowly baby..." she guides him, watching as he nods calmly but his eyes were full of excitement and lust. Ashley takes his other hand and nervously brings it down, making Brahms' breath hitch with excitement, she positions his fingers and puts them where needed. "T-this spot is very important f-for women Brahms, I-it's where most women feel pleasure, it's called the clitorus.... Here, stroke it gently..." He does and she lets out a moan more prominent then any she'd given herself.

This drove Brahms crazy in the best way, to know she was enjoying herself so much while he waited like a good boy, with a playful curiosity he pinches her nipple, bringing a pleasured gasp , he smirks and leans down to lick at it.
"B-Brahms...! Fuck~" Ashley whimpers and squirms, now laying beneath him. She gently tugs his tussled hair as he begins to suck. "Y-you're doing... so good...!" She moans louder as his strokes on her clitoris got faster. She already felt so close, quickly reaching over to open her drawer and pulling out a condom. "P-put this on, please! Then you can go inside..." Brahms didn't need a seconds more convincing, pulling away from her and opening it, needing help to put it on though.

They were finally ready, both clearly nervous, so instead of making any moves, Brahms was kissing shyly at her neck and cheek. "You're so pretty.... I love you..." he breathes out shakily.
Ashley blushes hard stroking through his hair "T-thank you, handsome... I love you too." She says shyly, "Are you ready?" Brahms nods softly and reaches down aligning himself.

Ashley soon found herself moaning and gasping, holding Brahms close, entangled in his arms. He was still moving slowly, trying desperately hard to resist going faster and losing himself in pleasure, but he remembered what Ashley had said, and how it was important to consider how she felt. He felt so proud of himself, making her moan like this, it gave him such an intense feeling, he leans down kissing her roughly making her gasp before kissing back and run her fingers into his hair pulling a little on his hair. He couldn't stop the moan escaping his lips, gripping the sheets beneath her before speeding up. She gasps, obviously discovering a sweet spot for him before tugging on his hair again. "B-Brahms~ please~"

The two got lost in their pleasure and intimacy, now they lay together, breathing heavily in embrace. Ashley's head rested on his chest, holding onto his warm torso lovingly. His fingers ran through her red hair and he blushed heavily "that... that felt so good... thank you..." he mumbles out looking down at her.
"You don't have to thank me honey...." She leans up to kiss his chin "we shared that experience, it brought us closer... and it was wonderful..."

After a while of cuddling together, and Brahms hesitating to say what was on his mind before finally saying it.
"What if we had a baby...." She froze up against him, feeling sad.
"Brahms I... I can't have them...and, do you even want one? I thought you wanted me to take care of you, that wouldn't be so easy with a baby it wouldn't be fair if I had to take care of both of you..." Brahms knew it wouldn't like that, they'd be parents, and they'd be better then his parents.
"Maybe...we can still have one... we'll find one." She giggles a little at his idea.
"Sure Brahms..."
"Ashley, if you can't have a baby... why did I have to wear that thing...?" Ashley hesitated before slapping her forehead.
"I'm so stupid..."

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