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He waited patiently in the walls, watching as she lay in his bed before climbing quietly from the wall, scooping her into his arms and lifting her, her body reacted to his warmth making her snuggle into his chest and smile, his heart thudded heavily a she breaths out, carrying her downstairs and into the living room, he turned on some music and sat in his armchair, holding her in his lap, looking her over. He wanted her, wanted to be with her and kiss her. He licks his lips slightly behind the mask and leans forward slowly, suddenly she stirs, squirming on his lap and yawning "wha...." she opens her eyes, it was dark but she could still see the hairy chest she was laying on, her hands resting on his stomach, she moves her hands to his strong, heaving chest to push herself up as he breathes heavily, she looks up at him and blushes "Brahms?" She asks softly and he nods once again, breathing hard under his mask, she cups the cheek of his mask "hey, hey it's okay, calm down...." she looks around, seeing she was on his lap but makes no effort to move, "I'm dreaming again.... w-where are we?" He doesn't answer her question, he instead stands, holding her up and helping her to her feet, holding her hands, and holding her close, she got the hint, reaching for his shoulders, his large hands go to her waist and she blushes, looking away, embarrassed about her weight, her curves. He holds her close and sways them to the music, heart racing. "I've never danced before..." she looks back up at him, he was too nervous to talk so he simply nodded, neither had he, not since he was a boy, alive.

A small part of her began to doubt this was a dream, he seemed so real, all of this did, but it made no sense. She dismisses these thoughts quickly for her loneliness, her need for affection and love. They had barely been slowly dancing for an hour when she went limp once again, falling asleep in his strong arms, nuzzling into his chest making his heart thud faster. He leans backwards to look at her, eyelids shut and face relaxed, angelic. Brahms picks her up in his strong arms and carrying her to bed.

Things carried on like this for a few weeks, him taking care of her, watching secretly and lustfully as she changed and washed and exercised, feeding her when she was hungry, and occasionally meeting her in the night, he couldn't do it too often though, in fear she'd catch on, realise she was awake and try to run away. And then that system was ruined. Evangeline came home, a giggling drunk mess, a man following her quickly. Brahms panicked and left her haphazardly placed on his bed, scurrying into the walls as the drunk couple wandered through the halls looking for a room. He growls angrily, they'd interrupted his special time with Ashley, thank god she was asleep already otherwise she'd know she was awake. He watches the couple in a mix of interest and disgust, she'd abandoned her sister, his lovely Ashley, and she dare come back to fornicate. Being too distracted, he didn't hear the gentle pat of Ashley's feet, the creek of the wood or the wheel of her wheelchair, she burst into the room "you're home!" She cheers, somehow happy to see her wretched sister, only to be shunned away.
"I'm busy!" She called them climbs on top of the man, Brahms watches in sadness as her face drops in disgust and sadness, wheeling away sadly and climbing back into bed sadly, curling up with the doll and crying, making his heart ache.

He wanted to kill her, Evangeline, he wanted to kill her so bad but he knew he couldn't, not while Ashley was so dependant on her. Once he figured it all out, then he could kill her. He... he could farm! Or hunt! Maybe both, or he could figure out how Evangeline was getting money for babysitting, get a new delivery boy and spend his hours with his precious Ashley. A quiet whisper suddenly pulls him from his thoughts, her voice, he hadn't heard it since her sister came back, she'd been lulled back into her old depressive ways of silence and stillness, until now.
"Oh Brahms..." she whimpers softly to the doll "where are you...?" His chest aches with guilt, swallowing hard and chewing his lip behind the mask, he hadn't visited her since Evangeline returned, leaving her alone. Before either of them could do much else, the said sister walked in, drunk again, or high, he couldn't really tell.
"Get your miserable ass up." She slurs and sits beside Ashley, "I see how miserable you are, I have just the thing." She grins drunkly at her tear stained sister.

//Tried to make sure you didn't have to wait long!!//

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//Tried to make sure you didn't have to wait long!!//

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